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mohd dandelion in Amenta
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"Okay, I guess I don't expect even a magic train system to handle 'someone misused the switching station and two trains just hit each other head on'."


"I have learned over the course of my life not to underestimate how creatively stupid people can be." 


Kamuor giggles. "I don't expect anyone to make the trains run into each other."


Giggle. "I do not expect anyone to do that in particular! I do not, frankly, expect to be able to anticipate what's going to go wrong, I just know better than to make plans that fall apart if something goes wrong." 


"That's very sensible."


"I pride myself on my sense and pragmatism." 


"Anything in here I should especially make sure to see?"


"I put some interesting water features inside some of the buildings--there's a lot of repetition, though, it's a lot easier to design a handful of buildings and iterate them with defined variation parameters than to design lots of individual buildings." 


"Oh, yeah, people do that even when all the buildings have to be conventionally made."


"Makes sense. And it's convenient that you don't have to walk all over the city to get a good sense for it." 


"It's really lovely."


"Thanks! I have some advantages there, I have access to a whole world's worth of aesthetic history for inspiration that nobody here has ever seen before. This stuff is mostly what we call solarpunk." 


"Solarpunk! What a funny word."


"We have lots of aesthetics appended with 'punk! Steampunk is stuff with lots of brass and gears and hydraulics and also clothing styles based on a particular period when that stuff was contemporary, cyberpunk is sci-fi stuff with virtual reality and cybernetic implants and circuits all over everything, dieselpunk I'm less familiar with 'cause it's dramatically not my aesthetic but I think it has lots of grey..."


"Huh! I think our nearest equivalent is calling things 'hats'. People say that they wear flowerhat fashion but that actually means they put flowers all over their clothes, not just hats, say."


"Punk implies--a certain lack of realism, like, steampunk takes aesthetic inspiration from the era of steam and runs with it, it doesn't seek to imitate it. We have solar power but people mostly don't put plants and solar panels all over everything. If we ever get the technology requisite for real cyberpunk we will probably not actually put glowing circuit lines all over everything." 


"We mostly get our power from geothermal, I think solar's harder to do at scale because it needs so much land area."


"We do some solar, some wind, some nuclear, and are sort of desperately fighting the powerful fossil fuel interests on transitioning away from an unsustainable amount of that." 


"Some solar, some wind, some what?"


"Nuclear power? Energy from nuclear fusion?" 


"...I don't think we have that, is it good?"


"It's, uh. Hang on gimme a sec." 

She makes it so the internet from the house will reach here, then takes out her pocket everything and searches for nuclear physics. 


They know what atoms are made of.

They have never split or combined them. Not a breath of an idea of that.



She searches "mutually assured destruction."


The exact phrase isn't in use, but she can with enough poking find bioweapon-based instances of "this will release automatically if we're attacked too badly to non-automatically retaliate".

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