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Catherine goes to fairyland and meets some Feanorians
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She heads back to the bedroom kind of maybe hoping it does not have a bed anymore.


It does not (no mysterious box, either). It has some big soft leaves, and some downy fluff from some kind of animal.


It is now, like, 65% less awful. She rests in the not-bed and talks to her baby in English and Norwegian while she waits for Rána to come back.


He and Ingolfr come back a while later, soaking wet because they decided to play in a very big mud puddle and then cleaned up afterwards. Ingolfr's clothes are still a little muddy. 

"I've asked for clothes to be made for all of you, actually, those ones don't look like they were meant to hold up to a lot of travel."


"They really weren't. Better than most of our clothes for it! But not great."


"Well, now you'll have something nice." He goes to flop on the bed, notices in time that it is a leaf, and flops more carefully.


Snuggle. Much less conflicted than previous snuggles. "I hope you have better clothing priorities than the Emperor."


"I like mine to match their surroundings but most people here like them gold or silver and shimmery. And you don't want them too long or loose or you'll trip on them climbing."


Nod. "I just want to be able to move in them. And not have a lot of useless fabric in pointless places and not enough in ones that matter. And - maybe feel like I'm not wearing something that's supposed to turn me into someone else."


"Well, I have to admit, if there were a fabric that could turn you into a fairy -"


Half laugh. "Possible exception for that."


"I don't know which places matter to you but my clothes don't show more skin than yours so probably it'll be all right?"


She has happened to have gotten stuck in one of her more tolerable sets of clothing, so. "Yeah. That sounds OK."



"Leaf's a lot better."


"That's good. Since we're going to be here a long time."






Hug. Snuggles are good again and there are any other nonterrible things here and she thinks she is maybe going to manage not being constantly miserable.


When she is awake Rána's father wants to ask her things about languages. When she gets tired of this she and Rána can go out on very short hikes. There's enough food, though it gets less elaborate. 

It gets dark. 

It's a cloudy night, so there aren't even stars to see by, except for a few to the west where the sky is clearer. It's much more notable how quiet and still the forest is. 

The fairies throw a feast.


"If you want to tell a story at it I think I'm now competent to translate."


"I could. I should ask Rána what he thinks would be appropriate."


"It should be long. Feasts at night last a very long time, since there's less else to do."


"I do have some long ones."

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