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Catherine goes to fairyland and meets some Feanorians
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"Thank you."


"Our pleasure, of course. For her?"


He hesitates a second, looking at it. " - for me."


He nods. 


"You should eat."



- she is kind of confused and concerned about how small these birds are. And kind of feels like she's doing something wrong by eating without speaking to anyone first.

She eats anyway.


There's conversation in fairy language while she eats. 

"This was generous but not necessary."


"Well, you can hardly complain that's uncharacteristic of me."


"We're not staying."


"I would hope not. I can't afford to do this very often."






"It was apparent from what was communicated to me of her arrival that you were very attached. I thought that, should we have some very important human, it would not do for her to think your family impoverished, and were she some entirely ordinary human I wanted to know how much she was worth to you and how much you thought she was worth to me. You're upset that I'm feeding your guest, and were upset with our father's son for delaying in feeding our guest, and I think probably you are upset about being here at all, really, but here you are."


"Well for what it's worth I would not be upset if there were a quiet room that didn't glitter. And.... a stew, or something."


"Third room on the left. And if my baby were dying because I wasn't eating enough I'd want lots of options, I'd think.

There's valuing her and then there's treating her like she's fragile, you realize."


"There's wondering how fragile she is and then there's - trying to suss it out with everything at hand the first time you meet her, you realize."


"We'll save what she doesn't eat."


At that he relaxes.


She eats - mostly meat, even though she finds the size extremely questionable, because she feels like probably if eating mostly nectar is bad for you then maybe meat will be good at fixing that. She mostly silently feeds Ingolfr, giving him whatever he points to. She's a little calmer when she's eating, mostly because she has something to focus on besides all the people staring at her.

She is, in fact, still terrified. But she's eaten many dinners across from people who might or might not mean her or her children terrible harm, and she has rather a lot of practice at projecting relative calm while doing it.

She eats until she's full, and no more. She checks whether Ingolfr is still eating. She looks up at Rána.

"All right. I think we're done for now."


Nod. "Then I'd like to introduce you to some people."




He stands up from the table and gestures for her to stand up too and they head into the throne room. It's big, and has mirrors making it look bigger. There's beautiful music playing from somewhere. There are fairies moving in the corners of the room, walking back and forth, or watching silently. 


He says something.


"He welcomes you," he says, though what was said was longer than that.


She bows. (Ingolfr, standing next to her, gives an unsteady little bow of his own.) 

If he were a human king she would thank him for his hospitality, but fairies do not thank each other, so she doesn't.

"It's beautiful here. I'm glad to have seen it."

And hey, that's not a lie, she's terrified but she's pretty sure she can also dredge up some glad around here somewhere, too.


"He says he's delighted to meet you and overjoyed that circumstances have brought you to our home."

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