Sasuke summons demon Cam
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"That sounds unpleasant for people who want children, yes. If Cam-san and Sasuke-san are willing to vouch for you, it should be fairly easy to get approval for an adoption, though you'll be asked to read through the relevant laws first, and put up with social services visiting every now and then."


"She's part of a baby enthusiast club back in Hell and they referred me to her when I needed a demon willing to be here long-term for an experiment; I don't know her personally but she came well-recommended."

"I don't mind visits and reading laws," nods Mrindeh.


"We'll accept indirect recommendations; that's really more to make it non-trivial for random people to waltz off with children."


"I indirectly recommend her," confirms Cam.


"I'll pass that along, though we should probably work out an actual system for future demonic adoptions."

"There's a train scheduled for fairly early this morning, if you want to go in on that?" Mariko directs towards Mrindeh. "It's heading towards the capital, though there's a return in a few hours heading for the port. And I can send a message noting the recommendation along with you."


"Ooh, I've never been on a train before," says Mrindeh. "Do I need a ticket?"


"Not for this one, though if you wanted to take trains to other places you would. This one's more of a cargo train with a little room for special passengers; it's not the main passenger line."


"All right! How will I find an orphanage once I'm there?"


"You'll want to stop by the civil hall first, to get documentation..." Directions to that - it's pretty close to the train station. "Though I'm not sure where their orphanage is. Presumably the civil hall can answer that."


"All right!" says Mrindeh, manifesting a computer like Cam's and taking down the directions.


She can name the relevant sections of legal code; she could recite them, her memory's eidetic, but for a demon it seems that 'this part through this part' is enough?


Yup! Mrindeh makes a little object to slip into her computer and is soon reading through the legal code.


It's an extremely simply laid out legal code, in plain language, with very few exceptions and loop-holes. Weird edge cases are left up to a judge's discretion, but don't tend to come up.

Children have the right to a certain level of education. Pure home schooling past age seven is extremely difficult to get approval for. Children also have a right to medical care, and to life, and 'your own children' are not exceptions for assault laws. Children are automatically full adults at the age of sixteen but can pretty easily get emancipated from twelve on, and can apply for specific legal adult rights without full emancipation. There's no draft for the military, but if a national emergency is announced you're expected to obey the military's orders, or whoever is your local enforcement for city-wide emergencies.


"Hm," says Mrindeh. "Where can I learn more about what schools are like here?"


"I wouldn't be someone to ask; I tested out of everything as fast as they could throw it at me. But we have college students with us, who could possibly be interviewed, or you could talk to a social worker in the capital itself."


"A social worker will probably know what I want to know," says Mrindeh. "Thank you so much!"


"You're welcome! Good luck with adopting."


"Thank you!!" Mrindeh repeats, and she goes and catches the train when it comes.


The train runs very directly to the capital; she should have no problem with it.


Back at the base, to Cam, since Sasuke isn't in evidence: "Is there a plan to summon more demons?"


"Demons have enough production capacity that I don't plan on arranging to summon more without a specific reason to do so."


It is convenient for them having another demon around, one apparently very friendly and more inclined towards parenting than world projects.

"Why this one, then?"


"Because demons can conjure mail, I can correspond with other demons; I don't have the ability to write to angels and fairies to get their consent to participate in experiments."


"That's sensible. Do you mind sharing what experiment was performed?" Whatever it is, clearly it operates on different principles from usual summoning, if the answer isn't 'Sasuke possesses the demon contract and not the angel or fairy contracts'.


"We wanted to see if she'd be able to go home; if I'd done this myself the answer could have been 'yes but no coming back', and I didn't want to risk that, so I found a demon willing to stay here indefinitely. She made a round trip."

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