tiny maitimo and tiny ves try to solve some problems that are objectively above their pay grade
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"Then we can walk....ten miles today."


"Not really? You guys would get tired before that."


"Perhaps but this is important."


"I think it's more than ten miles away, and even if we did walk ten miles, we have to be home before dark."


Sigh. "Okay. In that case I think I want to just sit near here and listen to peoples' conversations. Is that okay?"


"OK. You want your lunch?"


"That would be great, thank you."


They can all just sit on this weird concrete riverbank and eat lunch, then. Zana will be bored but he was smart and brought Zana's Gameboy so she can play Pokémon.


How do people talk to each other? Specifically are there any kids around, how do people talk to them? The sensory input is kind of overwhelming but if he crushes rocks in his hands which hurts in a stabilizing sort of way he can manage it.


People have short business transactions or long talks with their friends or don't talk to anyone and just sit in their cars heading off to lunch. There are a few kids in some nearby restaurants. The older ones people have some conversations with, and the younger ones they smile at or tell to stop moving so much or argue with them about how much of their food they should be eating and when exactly they have to go home. If little children try to wander more than a few steps away their parents yell for them to come back.





After enough of this his hands are bleeding but he is pretty sure if he concentrates on the bus he can make them stop by the time they get home.


You're bleeding and stuff.


Oh am I? That's funny.


We can wash it up when we get home. I guess if it doesn't hurt it's probably not a big deal.


Doesn't hurt at all.


OK! Wanna do anything else today?


Go to church but I bet Connor will say no.


"Hey Connor, can we go to church after this?"



"It's in the other direction from home. I guess we could walk around and see if we can find a different one?"


"That would be just as good."


"Fine. I guess we have time."

They climb back over the fence and walk down the street until Connor sees a building with a sign that says 'City Bible Church'.

It is less impressive than the other church. It's not dirty or especially beat-up, but the sanctuary consists of a large room with a projector and some speakers and a wooden floor that has bee filled with rows of plastic folding chairs.


"Oh," he says. "I thought all churches were pretty."


"Some of them are prettier. ...you wanna look for some more?"

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