tiny maitimo and tiny ves try to solve some problems that are objectively above their pay grade
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" - you only have one grandma and grandpa, Zana."


"Well it could have been the demon ones. And you can't just leave Maitimo 'cause bad guys wanna find him, that's not fair!"


"We could go to my grandpa. I am pretty sure no one can get us there."


"It's a good thought. Unfortunately, your grandpa is in another dimension that we can't access."


"I know. But you said maybe Wolfram and Hart is everywhere and I am really pretty sure they are not in Valinor."


" - I don't think I said that. I am hesitant to bring people they haven't contacted to their attention."


"They already have their attention! You can't steal people from places you don't know about!"


"...okay, but then the fact that Maitimo was stolen in the first place raises some questions about whether Valinor is actually capable of protecting anybody."


"I'm pretty sure it is and it's just that they did not know they needed to."


"Knowing you should to do something is a prerequisite for doing it. It's the only reason anybody without a fortune or an army in their pocket ever manages to stay ahead of Wolfram & Hart even momentarily."

She sighs.

"Theoretically, and I raise this option purely because we're already in danger and our best alternatives don't protect Maitimo at all, it might be possible to learn what Wolfram & Hart was doing and see if we can - replicate or adjust it somehow to send him back. It's more likely that we'll only be able to pull off pulling more people through, and even more likely that we won't be able to manage anything at all, but given that Maitimo is a mindreader, it's not impossible. It's only been a day and a half, and I'd bet that someone is still thinking about their experiment and why it went wrong."


"I can't hear people at Wolfram and Hart from here."


"We would have to get you closer to the building, then. I don't know how much closer. It'd be very dangerous. If we had any options that weren't dangerous, it wouldn't be on the table at all, but... this is the only dangerous option that might make things better instead of just keeping us alive longer."


"I think that probably things will get better actually but trying to get home sounds good."



"Do you have, like, a specific way you expect things to get better?"


Zana and I are going to make bad people stop poisoning the waters, so that people don't have to work a job if they don't want to. But it's a secret so you shouldn't say things about it out loud.


I don't think people poisoning the water has anything to do with people having to work jobs?


It is harder for people to live on their own without buying everything they need with money if the water is poisoned and plants don't grow well.


They mostly couldn't do those things anyway? Living out in the middle of nowhere is really hard, because it's hard to forage or grow or trap enough food, and it's hard to survive the seasons, and all land is owned by somebody anyway so I'm not sure it's even legal outside of, like, Alaska, where it's really hard to live because the ground is frozen.


At home people do not have a problem with it so I want to figure out all of the reasons why people here do.


I dunno, I'd have to know more about your home. It does not seem like a problem we are going to be able to solve from where we are now.


"If Connor and Zana go to live with their Grandma and Grandpa does that mean I can go to church by myself every day?"


"Nnno. You're too small to wander the city by yourself, I'm sorry. This is a downside of Connor and Zana leaving."


"Why am I too small to wander the city by myself."


"You could get lost? Or get hit by a car while crossing the street? Or get kidnapped, or reported to the police for being alone without a grownup or a bigger kid? Or, I don't even know, fall in a storm drain? I wouldn't let a normal kid your age wander alone, and you just got here and don't know how anything works."


"Can I go to the library on my own."

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