tiny maitimo and tiny ves try to solve some problems that are objectively above their pay grade
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I'm not sure Satan does things like poison water? I think mostly he convinces other people to be bad.


Hmm. Maybe it is people he convinced. In our world he was pretty much doing lots of bad stuff himself though.


I guess sometimes he has demons possess people.


No I mean he just dug a big scary castle and did bad things in it. I don't know exactly what bad things because people try not to think about it around me but it's how orcs got invented. Also I think sometimes he was a volcano and made everything catch fire.


I don't know what an orc is but I don't think Satan has a castle. Unless maybe it's in hell.


I don't really know what an orc is either, I think it was inappropriate for children. But when my grandfather gets scared for no reason it's because where he grew up, sometimes orcs snatched people and then you never saw them again, and even though that doesn't happen anymore he doesn't totally believe we're all safe.


I guess Auntie Karen is kind of like that too. With the worrying about things that aren't good for kids.


Is she wrong to be worrying, though?


I dunno. There's definitely bad stuff out there.


Everything makes a lot more sense now that I know that your Melkor is not in jail yet.


I'm not sure we can send Satan to jail.


I think we kind of need to.


She chews on the end of a pencil she found.

Well, I guess if we HAVE to, then we pretty much need to convince God to do something or convince someone else to do something  or do something ourselves with magic.


I asked God to help with Karen being sad last night but I notice he hasn't done anything yet so probably we should keep asking but not count on that. Who else could we convince to do something?


There's demons? But I don't know a lot about demons because libraries don't have books about us. And I guess there might be gods other than God, 'cause he bothered to tell us not to worship them?


Yeah. It says so in the Bible.


What's that?


It's the book of all the stuff that God told us?


Oh. We don't have one of those, probably because no one can read. The Valar just tell us.


Oh. Well Auntie Karen says one reason it's important that everybody can read is that it means everybody can read the Bible themselves.


I guess if all the things God said were written down it'd be a good idea for everyone to read yeah. 


Anyway, I think if he said not to worship other gods then maybe there are other gods? Although I dunno if he wants us talking to them.


You can talk to people without worshipping them.


Yeah. I guess it does just say not to worship them.

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