He's not happy, as he sketches out the signs and sigils. He generally isn't, these days.
He ran out of better options with the last of the cows.
He finishes the circle.
"I've never robbed a grave before and it will certainly be less tedious to do this entire ritual if I don't have to. Hmm..." He reads through it a little more carefully.
You can use either a basically intact corpse or the "essential saltes," which may be concocted using the ashes of the deceased. The spells are different depending on whether or not the body has to be reconstituted. In the latter case it's possible to banish the resurrectee back to the dead without infliction of further violence through use of a counter-spell.
There are incantations. The incantations invoke Yog-Sothoth.
"We've never met him. I wouldn't be surprised if the blood connection still helped."
"There's a ritual to summon Yog-Sothoth incompletely and temporarily, in Grandfather's copy of the Necronomicon. Mother used it. She wanted...she wanted children who would have more power than an unattractive albino and her widower father, neither with any formal education, living on cattle proceeds and a dwindled family fortune and despised by their neighbors, could aspire to. Instead she got...us." There is a soft rustling sound, as of snakeskin on snakeskin. "She loved us very much."
"We'll test on Ben Franklin, perhaps from the Moon. Or Mars, maybe, the gravity'll be less jarring."
"The moon's smaller so you weigh sixteen point five percent what you do on Earth. Mars is also lower gravity than Earth but not by as much."
"I think I would prefer not to find out whether 'essential saltes' are harder to handle at one-sixth gravity."
"That'll get you thirty-eight percent. If you really want full Earth gravity I will have to make a space station with a little black hole inside it."
"A space station is architecture that floats around in vacuum. A black hole is a lot of matter packed very densely, in this case to generate gravity."
"The natives are good at it but it does take some adjusting and for precision applications you sometimes need special equipment."
"Being imprecise at this stuff is bad. Maybe the space station is a good idea."