He's not happy, as he sketches out the signs and sigils. He generally isn't, these days.
He ran out of better options with the last of the cows.
He finishes the circle.
"Okay... if you use a fresh body," Cam says, "- I'm basing this on stuff I'm assuming the author worked from, not just the Book of Ignorance here - they can wind up with brain damage. A demonically-created live body is not physically brain damaged, and certainly isn't worse at being alive than an actual corpse, but that at least tells me I should probably start with a dead one. I can probably get away with making it without whatever killed Mr. Franklin..." He looks that up. "Pleurisy. So he won't have to deal with an emergency lung transplant first thing, that's good."
"Inflammation of the membrane around the lungs. Lung transplant is not the standard way to treat it but it's by far the easiest one for a demon."
"Yup. Angels are more popular for medical applications at home, they're less gruesome about it, but we're very good at some stuff, if the education's in place we're better than human doctors even if angels have us beat some ways."
"Future everything is cool and saving people is cool and fixing people's bodies is cool."
"I could teach you things, if you like? In between the malaria eradication and stuff like that. There's pretty good self-paced courses I can conjure up and then consult on the content if you get stuck."
"I can read really well. There wasn't much else to do. I know English and Latin and bits of Aklo."
"I don't think I've heard of Aklo back home, but English and Latin I've got. Where are you on math?"
"Okay. And even if you know science and history now the way they teach those in the future is completely different so I may as well start you at ground level on those. Now, let's figure out a computer you can use. What've you got in the way of manipulating appendages?"
"I'm a lot stronger and I have a lot of them so I can pick up much bigger stuff and really little stuff is hard but I can do a pencil."
"Let's see if touchscreens react to tentacles all right or if you need buttons." He produces a computer for her to try. "Poke the paler rectangle."
The computer projects a screen like Cam's. "There you go! Okay, it's a tutorial intended for brand-new daeva - daeva appear spontaneously as adults with no memories, so stuff gets nice and basic for them, won't assume any specific background in computers but in this case does assume you can read English since we get our summoners' languages when summoned and that's a popular way to start off with knowing how to talk and read. Poke around with that and it'll lead you to the educational material when you've got the hang of the interface."