"How was school, honey?"
She tries to make the kids' favorite meals on their first day of school, but when she asked Iomedae's favorite meal the girl first stared at her blankly and then after some extended clarifications proposed that they could roast a pig, and she can't actually roast a pig, so dinner is pork chops, and potatoes, and salad from the farmer's market. Iomedae is not a picky eater.
(The girl is in fact clinically obese. The doctor suggested they talk with her about cutting back on junk food, but the social worker said that was a bad idea, with a kid new to care - don't restrict her food access at all, just get her more exercise. So Jenny signed her up for swim lessons at the YMCA and for track and field at school. Iomedae balked at the swimming lessons on the grounds that swimsuits were immodest, and they do actually make hijabi wetsuit things but apparently not in her size. Hopefully track and field she'll actually enjoy.)
"Right now I no sword because I am a foster child. But the police sayed a free person can a small sword, and a small sword is better for Martin situations. I gived my small sword to Maria because Martin scare her, so only have my big sword."
"Um. I'm not a foster child and I basically never take my sword anywhere mundane? I think you maybe can have one legally but literally none of us carry our swords to like... the supermarket. Like - zero of us are going to wear swords in Waffle House."
"You can't just bring a sword to a Waffle House in case you need to stab someone!"
"Um. So. Probably nobody is going to attack us at Waffle House. So having swords would just be... scaring people for no reason. And if someone did get into a confrontation with us, it would be way more likely to turn into a fight, if we all had our swords and it was... too easy to draw them. And we really do not want anyone to pull out a gun. And - even if we do get into an unarmed fight because someone's drunk and starts punching, we're already advantaged to win that, and other people would be more likely to be on our side if we did not have swords. We can probably sit on a guy until the cops show up but if we had our swords out than the cops are going to have so many more questions. And they'd be right to - it's not - it's not honourable to go around preparing for a fight when you don't have to?"
" - if people see a holy warrior with a sword, they are not scared, they are happy, unless they are evil. Holy warrior have sword mean everyone is safer. A holy warrior no start a fight, and try to end one with no one dying. ...Sir Gabriel is no a holy warrior. When Jenny no obedient to him I am scared he will kill her. It is like that?"
"I don't think anyone feels safer around.... holy warriors who stab people with swords in Waffle House! That's kind of just terrorism which sort of by definition makes people feel less safe? ...also wait why would you think Gabriel would kill anyone, he's a giant softy who wouldn't hurt a fly?"
"He wear steel! Most people who wear steel kill someone who not obey them! ....you think people not feel safer around holy warriors? I think that is wrong. The people I with before I was made a foster child, they was glad I holy warrior."
Was she living with some kind of cult, or jihadist organization, or horribly abusive Church or - what the actual heck
"I think people in armour are mostly much less likely to kill you because most SCAdians aren't murderers and also I think people have done a lot of horrible murders in the name of religion and I do not think anyone calling themselves a holy warrior - and not meaning, like, they reenact the Crusades - should have a sword in Waffle House or.... probably anywhere?"
"I am a holy warrior. God made me a holy warrior. He did that because holy warriors good, make things better, stop bad people. When people scared, they ask holy warrior save them, and holy warrior do it. I think if holy warriors bad God stop make them!"
"Killing people is wrong. And if your religion says it isn't then you need to rethink that whole religion. And I don't - I'm confused - you're not seriously advocating doing religious terrorism with a sword in Waffle House at my local SCA practice, right, you..... I need you to explain what the heck you mean right now."
"....I no sworded any people but Martin, and Martin I warn, no hurt these people I am a holy warrior, and no hurt him until he hurt me, and when he stop hurting me I take him to church. I think swording people is good if they do what Martin tried and you are not strong to stop them some other way. Killing people is ...a thing that makes a very bad thing happen, and only do it if even more bad thing happen if you do not do it, but that happen."
"....I mean yes it sounds like you did really good with Martin, swording people is good if they are trying to assault innocent people, but taking him to church was insane and usually when people say they are holy warriors they mean they want to blow up a bridge or something and kill hundreds of innocents.... And I do not think you would openly admit to that but I have to stop you if you want to do that?"
"Maybe holy warriors does not mean...person God choosed to sword evil, keep people safe, must be obedient and good and never do any evil thing?"
"Um. I don't think it means that at all. Usually I think it means someone who wants to kill everyone who believes in different gods to them? I.... obviously neither of us are knights but, if you subtract the bit where God chooses you, your thing sounds like someone who's a knight or is trying to be a knight? But I - probably shouldn't get into this at practice but I don't believe in God anyway."
"I don't know what you mean believe in. A holy warrior no is a knight because Sir Gabriel lied to Jenny."