"How was school, honey?"
She tries to make the kids' favorite meals on their first day of school, but when she asked Iomedae's favorite meal the girl first stared at her blankly and then after some extended clarifications proposed that they could roast a pig, and she can't actually roast a pig, so dinner is pork chops, and potatoes, and salad from the farmer's market. Iomedae is not a picky eater.
(The girl is in fact clinically obese. The doctor suggested they talk with her about cutting back on junk food, but the social worker said that was a bad idea, with a kid new to care - don't restrict her food access at all, just get her more exercise. So Jenny signed her up for swim lessons at the YMCA and for track and field at school. Iomedae balked at the swimming lessons on the grounds that swimsuits were immodest, and they do actually make hijabi wetsuit things but apparently not in her size. Hopefully track and field she'll actually enjoy.)
It's impossible for Lucy to be annoyed - at herself for underestimating the newbie, or at Iomedae for assuming that Lucy didn't deliberately give that opening (or at Iomedae for hitting like a truck) - when Iomedae is so damn charming. Frankly she appreciates her opponent a very great deal for it; she can't say anything snarky about how she regrets going easy when Iomedae's just said something so nice, and so Iomedae has saved her from saying something that would've definitely fallen below the standard of courtesy she sets for herself. She takes a breath and finds herself wearing a very genuine smile.
"Yes! We will both get stronger!" she agrees enthusiastically. "You have amazing power, wow."
"When I the smaller one I fight like you," says Iomedae, though she isn't sure the exact shade of meaning she wants will come through. "Again?"
This time Lucy is not giving Iomedae the benefit of the doubt! "Again!"
She nods, steps back, and waits for Iomedae to pick her sword up. As soon as she seems ready, Lucy springs forwards and feints a thrust to the face. Her feet are still moving, and in the beat after she thinks Iomedae will tell her hands to react to the thrust, Lucy flicks the tip of her sword up and crunches her hips down to lend power as she aims a flat snap at the very bottom edge of Iomedae's shield, hoping she'll move it up when she sees the feint.
And she's very surprised when she hears, "Light!" because she really did just crunch her weight downwards into the sword, but maybe Iomedae was moving or maybe that leg armour is really padded beneath the leather?
She steps left to give herself room for a low return, her knees bent low and her shield raised above her head to keep her safe from her taller opponent's reprisal, and bounces up into an offside. She learned this from a smaller fighters' class that Nicole taught once; if she has to strike upwards anyway, she may as well use the upwards force of her spring to power her blow rather than worrying about rotation of the hips.
The offside is blocked and she's already bouncing the sword off the block and looking for the onside. Lucy knows she struggles to get her sword over the top of taller fighters' shields and still have power in her arm, so she's become very precise in how she twists her wrist and aims her sword down into the central line between shield and body.
It's unfortunate that Iomedae is smart enough to realise that this is Lucy's happy range and step away, so that Lucy's sword doesn't connect with quite as much power as it ought to. She smacks the tip of her sword into Iomedae's collarbone and she hears, "Light!" again.
She thought that one had enough power on it, but Iomedae really was stepping away, and it wasn't her finest technique ever. Iomedae isn't wearing shoulder armour, though. Lucy raises her estimation of Iomedae's pain tolerance a notch.
You can sometimes really take quite severe injuries in a combat situation without being immediately incapacitated! It's why she had to stab Martin five times, and she's been stabbed five times plenty of times herself.
Now they're at range again and Lucy has to figure out how to cross the donut of death between Iomedae's reach and her own.
She went to a class down south on feinting that talked about just using tension and stance, not wasting energy. So she'll "ha!" and do something she thinks of as throwing her spirit out to the left - as though she really has the intention of going left, but only really tensing and aiming and not moving - and then she'll dodge right and smack Iomedae with a flat snap.
She hears, "Light!" from Iomedae and then she is rocked backwards by a smack to her visor that on the one hand she really deserved for leaving her head open (she was far too confident that her own strike would be true) and on the other hand is an amount of power that no newbie has any right to be capable of.
"Good," she says, somewhat weakly, and almost drops her sword.
Lucy casts a sideways glance at Gabriel and Reynhard, watching.
She would never question Iomedae's honour - questioning anyone's honour is unfathomably rude - but she's kind of questioning Iomedae's calibration and she is wondering if either of them is likely to rescue her from the most awkward conversation.
Iomedae reaches out to steady her. "First time you being as with baby with me! Can you show me again -" and she imitates the feint, badly.
"....I thought you were new," Lucy says, sort of stunned.
Slowly, she shows Iomedae the motion she'd use for a face thrust. She learned it from rapier initially - she had a few rapier lessons before deciding armoured combat was her true passion - but she's started adding a little wrist twist into the motion to make it stick on a visor and not slide off to either side. "This is the thrust. I was running with it so I didn't have good body mechanics, because I knew I was turning it into-" she shows how she can untwist her wrist and send the sword tip in a wide arc over their heads and to one side.
"Oh! - when I practiced we did not try hit in face, might die that way even if priest. This, you can try, because -" she pats the foam nub. "God is good. ....sorry you think I was new. I said what Sir Reynault sayed to say but maybe I should say, Sir Reynault says this, Lucia says this? If I fight yourgrace Nicole. So I not - lying, saying I new."
Lucy vaguely remembers reading something about how medieval people in tournaments wouldn't thrust to the face, even with blunted swords, because shoving your sword into someone's brain via their eye socket is pretty lethal regardless of whether you've dulled the edge a bit, and they hadn't invented fencing masks yet, though she's not sure why they never used the SCA solution of having wooden swords that are wider than the gaps in helmets are allowed to be. She has no idea if she's remembering that correctly, but that's really the only thing her brain has to grasp onto and she has no idea what Iomedae is talking about regarding priests.
".... I think Her Grace can handle herself. She's - one of the best fighters that isn't a knight," she says. Nicole has just won several squires' tourneys and Rose tourneys back-to-back and while Lucy can't pretend to know what goes on in the secret knights' meetings, the writing's been on the wall for a while. Also she literally cannot imagine what it would take to ruffle Nicole's feathers; she somehow always seems poised and dignified and unbothered even when someone like Migliorotto is beating the shit out of her while also criticising everything about her technique.
"Sir Reynhard was right, you should tell people it's your first day. You deserve to get the grace period of everyone being all welcoming at the newbie just like everyone else gets, it's not your fault you're good. If Roger underestimates you, then please beat his ass for me."
Lucy still wants rescue from someone else, though, because 'those looked like good hits' sounds so much better if it doesn't carry undertones of 'I think I should have won'. It doesn't seem immediately forthcoming.
Again! Iomedae doesn't know Lucy wants rescue and isn't planning to offer it!
Lucy wants to try counterpunching. Iomedae is clearly not fazed by aggression and speed, and maybe Lucy can catch her out with tactics. She can wait patiently, feinting a little but not really going anywhere, and see what Iomedae does.
Iomedae was slow to learn to feint. Paladins don't lie, she told her sword tutor, and he laughed at her and then insisted they practice almost nothing else for several weeks. She knows what her body is saying and she likes it to be what she's doing. But she did learn. She takes a high swing at Lucy which is just a distraction to close with her and shove them both backwards - but Iomedae with sturdier footing -
- she will absolutely and completely freeze when instructed to. ...she's confused though.
"....yeah. Iomedae, it's fine, nobody told you because we normally don't have to tell newbies because they're normally not as confident as you. We can't do grappling here - no bashing with the shield, no grabbing people and shoving them over, okay?"
These guys are such dumbasses sometimes but Nicole loves them all so she can't be mad. She's just decided she needs to go adopt this newcomer later. She is in armour by now and was warming up with Erik; when she sees the called hold isn't relevant to her fight she'll go straight back to fighting.
"Yes, sir," says Iomedae, clearly just as confused but just as clearly intending to follow the rule.
"Alright, great, don't worry about it, that's on us."
Reynhard thinks it's on him but Gabriel already said it was on him so he's alright to share.