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Blai in cyberpunk (Cinci)
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"A particular brand of 20th century stupidity. Children shouldn't read about people having irresponsible sex, what if they decide to have irresponsible sex! Actually don't tell them anything about it at all! As if that won't have any negative consequences whatsoever."


"They do not... notice? If no one tells them?"


"I don't know how things actually worked back then, head. I just know they had a pile of weird social rules about it and it informs the media."


"Okay. Now the media is different?"


"Yeah, we have whole new problems. Shock value. Violent media eroding away the standards of decency and good conduct, anger for anger's sake. There's no more taboos- Except cannibalism. And fuckin' mutants."


"What is about mutants?"


"I'm not sure what phrasing you would have been going for there if you were a native speaker. Mutants, man- Look, I'm not saying they can't be nice guys, good ones among the lot, right? It's unstable biological hackwork, they're built different, they think different, and they think in terms of immediate reward and selfish crime. Tower Group has a contract to keep mutants off the streets of Cinci because if they didn't, the mutants would make the gang problems so much worse, make the shit that goes down in the Projects spread all across the city."


"Ah. At home there are orcs. Green or other color, very strong, cannot stop taking things long enough to do a farm. Yes?"


"You stepped right out of fantasy land, huh. It's a little like orcs, yeah. Not quite the same thing but in the same sector, anyway. I would say 'can't stop raiding long enough to build a farm'."


"Fantasy land is?"


"Uh... Chainmail and castles and dragons and elves and orcs and goblins and harpies and wizards and evil skeletons. Magic, generally."


"Skeletons here are good?"


"Skeletons here are dead."


"...yes, that is why when they do things they are evil things. Alive things many times do good things instead."


"What, you know some necromancers? There's lots of fiction about them but zombies and skeletons and undead dragons with poison breath are, you know, fake. As far as I knew this morning..."


"I do not - say hello how are you necromancer - but there are them. On Golarion."


"And I thought I had bad neighbors..."

...Hunh. He doesn't appear to be losing. But with such a massive handicap that's not much of an accomplishment. The pawn turtle slowly advances. ...He tries to watch for incipient backdoors to the king.


Like this one?

"Orcs are bad neighbors, But one orc or a one half orc in a city or a - many fighting men together - is a neighbor or a fighting man like the human neighbor or fighting man."


Yeah like that one! Keeping a rook in reserve was a good idea. Lets just see if he can promote some pieces before it gets worse...

"Uhhhhh..... A gang? One orc in a mostly human gang is like a human?"


No pawns are getting past this knight. "Gang sounds not like my word... more many than a gang?"


Even if they're supported by another pawn?

"An army? I mean, the Army is almost just a really big gang that doesn't participate so much in the street business. All enforcement, all threat, supported by patrons and going out to squish those who don't pay their protection money by submitting to taxes."


Then you just have to get the pawn in the back first.. A supporting pawn, captured by a knight, leaves the knight in position to grab the supported pawn as soon as it advances; he might promote something but it'll be gobbled up at once. "An army. It is not a gang. ...on Golarion it is not a gang. I was of an army on Golarion."


Aha, rook will at least take out the knight if it does, then, he'll move it into place. 

"I guess the difference is organization and discipline? It does seem kinda fuzzy to me. You can drift out of a gang, cut and run. Army will fucking find you if you desert."


"Yes. Elsewise the enemy will eat you." He can take the rook but now his opponent has successfully promoted a pawn. The new queen's most obvious first moves are counterable but there are better ones that wouldn't be, not with as thin a piece supply as he's working with.


"Sometimes literally."

Uhhh what does he do with the queen- Obvious answer is just keep trading, take the piece that just took the rook.

"War's fucked, man. But the world is sick, for every guy who's actually trying there's one or two who really aren't, and just 'bout all of them don't know how to unfuck things without becoming part of the problem. That's where you get your Mercy Crew, your soup kitchens. But soup ain't gonna fix things."

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