Sure. Outcome one, oath goes away and I'm not magic lovebonded and I concede that this is probably reality because the Enemy definitely uses this setup to fuck with me and if that part gets taken away and the oath is really gone and with the strategic picture sufficiently changed by Annie's world's technology I don't have much reason to expect this is a hallucination.
Outcome two, option a, oath goes away and I'm magic lovebonded to Annie. As I understand it, this plausibly consists of my actual romantic relationships and feelings being either squashed out or adjusted into something nonromantic or just rendered irrelevant next to the new magic lovebond thing, and we are blissfully happy or something until she dies and then I'm basically never okay again for all eternity. This is pretty clearly not worth getting de-oathed for, and I wouldn't even believe I was free because the Enemy'd totally pull something like that and I don't know what he can and can't do, it's probably been a century of real time by now.
Outcome two, option b, oath goes away and I'm magic lovebonded to someone who isn't Annie and isn't an option - straight, eight years old, married, whatever. Annie seems - functional, so maybe I would be until they died and then I'm back to never okay for all eternity.
Outcome two, option c, oath goes away and I'm magic lovebonded to someone who is an option and isn't going to be dead in sixty years and I put myself together and be adoring at them and I find the idea terrifying and repulsive but at least it wouldn't involve experiencing suffering forever. I'm so tired of suffering. I don't want to suffer forever. I'm so tired -