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inanna's ring!sasuke wakes up in narutoverse
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"We're just going to start with getting a grip on the basic manipulation. Wind nature chakra is all about cutting, so each of you grab a leaf and try to split it in half using only chakra. The trick is to alter your chakra's nature before releasing it, instead of using unfiltered chakra like you normally do."


"Will clones help?"


"They might. But you should be careful. Learning an elemental manipulation is tiring even when you have an affinity for it. You'll accumulate your clones' mental exhaustion as well as their experience."


"If we don't have anything else today I can probably just pass out... And yeah noticed that with sealing."


"As long as you know what you're getting yourself into. Any other questions?"


Chihiro requests a few clarifications on highly technical points of coil chirality and chakra spin, which Kakashi rattles off answers to.


Naruto has no clue what any of those words mean but does have guts, stubbornness, and an unreasonable amount of chakra. He sets to practicing.


Chihiro's initial practice looks a lot like meditation.


For Sasuke, the exercise is to jump a spark from his hand to a small metal pole Kakashi sets up in the ground next to him.


Sugira doesn't work with chakra much, but he has a strong fundamental understanding of how electricity works and moves.

He starts with distances static electricity would be able to jump on its own, then attempts to mold the chakra inside his fingers.


Lightning nature chakra, Kakashi advises him, is fidgety. It likes to jump back and forth very quickly in very small hops.


Hm... Can he arc it among his own fingers?


If he doesn't mind getting zapped. It's not really any easier, though.


He doesn't mind getting zapped, but, hmmmmm.....

He'll try a few permutations - holding the pole, then backing up more and more.


Increasing the distance means he has to mold more chakra, which is the primary source of difficulty.


He'll get it quickly enough - not as fast as Chihiro most likely, but slightly before one of Naruto's clones has a breakthrough.


Once everyone's succeeded at the basic exercise at least once, Kakashi calls a stop for the day. They'll pick back up tomorrow with a small jutsu.


Naruto is super excited!


Then he'd better not be late tomorrow, haha.


Sugira makes sure he isn't. Perks to living together.


In the middle of the night, there's a soft rapping on Sugira's window.


He wakes immediately, sees Chihiro, and slides his window open - after disabling a small rune near the latch.


She climbs nimbly inside and pulls out a book.

"I brought this for you."


"Thanks." He takes it, then closes the window behind her, and redoes the rune on the latch. "Should I read it tonight?"

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