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A fabulous fox
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"Sure, I don't have a burning need to prove it... It might be important, though. Disease is really terrible. Just the worst. But like, people aren't going to believe it very easily so why bother..." Sigh.


"Maybe you could get very small and slay all the disease with your sword," giggles Rosa.


She snorts. "Too many of 'em. The real answer is excessive cleanliness. Soap kills them, careful washing, staying stringently away from anyone sick with things that spread and wearing face masks or doing more washing when taking care of them, building clean outhouses and the like... Oh. I wonder if I could make penicillin... No, I don't know what the source looks like in enough detail. Like. Willow bark can relieve pain and penicillin can fight infection but I have no idea whether I'd get it right."


"I knew about willow bark."


Nod nod.

"I think there's something you can do to make it work better but I can't remember what..."


"What kind of look are you thinking for your place?"


"Oh, just a little stone cottage and a wall around it to keep chickens and goats in. Once I get some."


Something about that brings up her own feelings again. Complicated relationship with "home". She bounces on her feet a bit.

"I wish you the very best of luck with that. I'm going to travel far. Spread tips and news about this. Ohhh... I... Have reason to think monsters might show up soon. I dunno what they'll be like."


"More monsters?? Didn't we have enough??"


"What monsters did you already have?"

All she's got going for her is Tamamo's cryptic comment about a 'proxy war'.


"The little black things that started appearing out of nowhere over the winter."


"...No, yeah, I think those are the monsters. I didn't know about them though."


"They're awful. They killed four of my dad's sheep and my brother's best friend."


"...Holy shit. Fuckdammit. I'll definitely splatter any I come across. I'm pretty good at fighting. But you can't be everywhere, right?"




"So I can't save everyone. I think people who get the starscape are supposed to - get magic and then go fight them. If they want to. Fighting is awful for a lot of people even if I kinda love it."


"Well, I did that, but then everyone was weird about me having magic," pouts Rosa.


"Oh yeah, I bet they can't stand the thought that a woman might have higher hopes and dreams than marriage and eight babies."


"...that didn't even come up?"


"-I guess I wouldn't know. Sorry. That kind of thing happened sometimes where I'm from."


"I don't think anybody is going to want to marry me if I'm a witch anyway."


"What, magic powers don't make you better? Eh. I don't intend to marry, ever, what do I know. -Shutting up now." Sigh.


"Why don't you want to get married?"


"I apparently have issues about men. And I don't need it, and I just don't want to, so... No." Shrug.


"...I don't think convents want witches either."


"Who said anything about a convent? I'll live in the woods, and if anyone objects, just laugh or wander off. Maybe kicking monster butt will inspire respect. Also... I'm not from around here. I've got friends back home and expect to go back some day."

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