Anders reads from the book, casting happy, knowing glances at his kids. "Primal class comprises the elements: fire, ice, lightning, earth. It is the class that causes the most destruction."
"Hey!" Cia says, slipping in ahead of Merrill. "Merrill was gonna take us to talk to her Keeper."
"Well. Try and talk to her, anyway. I need a special tool to finish my- thing. My important thing, and I would like to get the Fade walking spell for you too."
"She has too much energy," Cia says conspiratorily to Blaise. "C'mon."
And follows after Merrill.
Merrill has flung her arms around his shoulders, and is half hanging off him.
"...if you're there, she won't turn us down! She likes you and Talia, because of Asha'bellanar!"
Henri doesn't seem to have a problem with Merrill hanging off him, quite the reverse. "If you'll let me get a word in, I'd have already said yes!"
"Oh! I thought you'd say I should slow down, or that you would think about it. I know I can be a little demanding sometimes, or- no, Varric says I'm not demanding enough-"
Henri laughs. "You're fine. I could do with a walk anyway. Talia says I'm driving her insane."
Merrill giggles, and drops back onto her feet, hands going to Henri's forearms instead. "Probably not the best idea, nearly killing your sister. Might've gotten you in trouble with Leandra!"
Merrill bounces on her feet, nodding.
And then gasps. "My staff! I'll be two seconds!" And then she's tearing off down the hallway, to her room.
Henri laughs, and ushers Cia and Blaise to the front door, fetching his gear on route.
Merrill comes back, her staff hanging off her back, and she bounces on her feet.
Though this time, the energy rolling off her is rather anxious.
Henri drapes an arm around her shoulders, giving her a quick squeeze. "It'll be fine. C'mon."
Merrill cuddles into him, her tiny hand fisting in his jerkin for a moment.
Then she straightens, puts on her usual bright smile. "All right! Let's head up."
She leads the way to Sundermount.