Chen doesn't actually like tourney. Never has, probably never will. He joined the team mostly because he didn't know how to tell their coach no and he stayed —
Well, he stayed for a lot of reasons, but mostly he stayed because of Ben.
Hugs are nice.
He holds on until it's a little weird, fails to have the willpower to let go for ten seconds, and then lets go.
no don't let go
"It really is fine," he says. He's not sure whether that's true or not.
Ben doesn't lean on him either!
"It must be weird that none of us are Confucian."
"Less so than you'd think — that was one of the things we were expecting, I'd been preparing for it for a while."
"I wasn't expecting the sports to be so — the word I want isn't useless, but I grew up doing archery in the expectation that I'd use it someday, tourney was very strange."
Ben laughs. "It really is useless. I'd say Flynning is better but they systemically took all the useful parts of swordfighting out of it."
"I know! It's terrible! My mom used to watch tournaments and point out all the things that would get you killed if you tried them in real life."
"She is. — she used to bring a chess set to any party she expected was going to be boring."
"Lots of people. When I'm king-- which hopefully won't be for a long time-- I'm going to have to keep every human kingdom and all the nonhumans happy. If I offend someone at a party, they might block a law that's really important to me."
He doesn't know how to say 'I guess I thought politics would be different if you had actual power' in a way that is neither unspeakably rude in context nor unspeakably vulnerable in context, so instead he just hugs Ben.
Gosh! Hugs!
"It's just. Once I become king, I won't have anything that's just for me ever again."
It's one thing for Chen to live like that but he is very very sure that Ben should not.
"Yeah. Public property of Auradon."
He's very smiley while they study.
Their hands touch when he gives Chen a pen.