Chen doesn't actually like tourney. Never has, probably never will. He joined the team mostly because he didn't know how to tell their coach no and he stayed —
Well, he stayed for a lot of reasons, but mostly he stayed because of Ben.
He's making soft quiet whimpery noises and touching Chen like he's something valuable and precious that might break.
Good. Ben should keep making those noises.
Ben should keep touching him like that — Ben should touch him more — Ben should bite him, hard enough to leave bruises —
He's so gentle, as if he's afraid of hurting Chen.
Ben wants-- Ben wants a lot of things-- he keeps his hips angled away from Chen's.
Yeah. Chen is doing that too.
"You don't have to be so careful," he murmurs into Ben's neck.
Ben presses his hips into Chen's and keeps touching his hair and says, "it's probably normal, right? A natural reaction to being close. Nothing to worry about."
(It's not, it isn't, he should stop this —)
"Yeah," he says, instead of that, presses his head into Ben's hand.
It's really not, for him. It's being sick and perverted and--
Chen's hair is so soft.
This is such a bad idea, he knows it, but--
"When I was younger Asher and I used to practice kissing. So we'd know what to do when we met our true loves."
He should say no.
He should say no and apologize for everything and get up and leave Ben alone.
He leans forward and presses a kiss, very lightly, to the corner of Ben's mouth.
Ben cups Chen's cheek with one hand and puts his other hand in Chen's hair and kisses him.
It's been years but he still seems to remember how to do it; this is a thing with his tongue that Asher liked, let's see what Chen thinks.
Chen likes that a lot — his hands tighten on Ben's sides and he makes a low sound into Ben's mouth.
Then Ben can totally keep doing that!
(He imagines that someone is forcing them to kiss-- some villain has captured both of them and she's making them kiss while she watches and if it's not good enough they'll be punished and if it is good enough it might be worse-- he moans.)
He's disgusting it's so so good and Ben would never do this if he knew and Ben wants this now and — what can Chen do but give it to him —
He starts kissing Chen's cheek, his neck, his shoulder.
It feels so good-- so much better than with Asher, so much better than with Audrey, because it's Chen under him, warm and soft, and he wants to kiss Chen more than he's ever wanted anything else.
Kissing is everything anyone ever said it was going to be and more — Ben's mouth is warm and soft and Chen doesn't stop the sounds that he's making —
Chen isn't sick like Ben is, Ben knows; it's just a reaction to being close, to the kissing; Asher had had the same thing happen when they'd practiced kissing. But it's so easy to pretend Chen wants Ben as much as Ben wants Chen.
His hips start moving against Chen's without him really intending them to.