Chen doesn't actually like tourney. Never has, probably never will. He joined the team mostly because he didn't know how to tell their coach no and he stayed —
Well, he stayed for a lot of reasons, but mostly he stayed because of Ben.
Chen doesn't actually like tourney. Never has, probably never will. He joined the team mostly because he didn't know how to tell their coach no and he stayed —
Well, he stayed for a lot of reasons, but mostly he stayed because of Ben.
Ben strips off his shirt and says, "can I borrow some of your clothes? I think we're the same size."
Jealous! That's the emotion he is currently experiencing. Jealousy and admiration and a completely platonic appreciation of the beauty of the male form.
The way Chen's shoulder muscles move is fascinating.
Ben is slightly more aware that the thing he is experiencing is not at all jealousy or admiration or indeed platonic, but he has spent too much time cuddling Chen recently to care.
"All right," Ben says, slightly disappointed when Chen gets his shirt on, "time to see what Asher's made for breakfast."
James, a thin and gangly boy with glasses who's in all honors classes with Kaleva and Asher, waves.
"I went with a simple breakfast today," Asher says, "because I wasn't expecting three additional people. Cajun hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, toast, and beignets."
It was sort of unclear to Kaleva whether he was going to eat his feelings or be too upset to eat, and then he saw the hashbrowns cooked with bell peppers and onions and sausage and it became very obvious that the answer was the first.
He starts shoveling food into his mouth.
Asher kisses James affectionately on the top of the head and says, "Eat, you're too thin."
James laughs. He's much more relaxed than he is in class. "You always say that."
"It's always true!"
Asher and James talk about class. They're both oddly smiley, and they keep touching each other.
This is pretty normal for Asher!
Ben barely touches his food, but it's comforting to experience the normality.