Chen doesn't actually like tourney. Never has, probably never will. He joined the team mostly because he didn't know how to tell their coach no and he stayed —
Well, he stayed for a lot of reasons, but mostly he stayed because of Ben.
Chen doesn't actually like tourney. Never has, probably never will. He joined the team mostly because he didn't know how to tell their coach no and he stayed —
Well, he stayed for a lot of reasons, but mostly he stayed because of Ben.
He doesn't know how to explain that he'd be uncomfortable with having his childhood best friend watch him do this, in part because he doesn't know what this is and why he'd be uncomfortable with Asher looking at it.
Instead he just curls up more on Chen.
Maybe instead of talking to Asher what Ben is going to do is curl up quietly on Chen until he falls asleep.
Eventually Kaleva returns home and... the prince is sleeping on Chen's chest. Fine! This is fine.
He is uncomfortably aware that he wants to fall asleep on Chen's chest.
"Sorry for kicking you out — I don't think he'd want me to tell you what happened but you'll know by the end of the week."
Chen knows Ben's secrets. Kaleva's jealous! He's super jealous. It feels like a sick pit in the middle of his stomach.
He can tell Kaleva is unhappy — he's been able to tell for weeks — and he has no idea what to do about it.
Kaleva goes to bed, unhappily. He dreams about Chen holding him and saying he's the most important person in the world and then the dream gets vague but he knows Chen is touching him and he feels warm and intimate and loved and so so good and when he wakes up his underwear is sticky.
He falls asleep with Ben in his arms and his face buried in Ben's hair, and dreams about holding Ben keeping him safe dreams about Ben underneath him dreams about —
He wakes up in the morning still wrapped around Ben.
Ben woke up in Chen's arms and his back hurts and his feet are asleep and his neck has a crick in it and everything in the world is good and okay and Ben is a terrible person.
"I bet Asher has made breakfast."
He doesn't touch Ben's hair again, even if he does want to. "I bet he does," he agrees. "You should probably go talk to him."
Of course Ben is a nice person who invites Kaleva to have breakfast with him, unlike Kaleva, who mostly wants Ben to fall off a cliff.