After a week and a half after the first cooking class Dal-Yora sends out invitations for tea party.
"Gosh, who knew that promises of Earth media could be so effective," Felix says elbowing Fernando.
Ima-Aidala will be here quietly shipping this, until she remembers Inara's early comment about monogamy.
Felix whispers to Parafi. "Hot leaf juice is a reference to an Earth show, where a character mildly offended the other by referring to tea as that."
"We shall have to make a date of it," Inara says to Teronmas. "Although I should perhaps be offended that you seem to think I only have one quality." (She does not, in fact, sound at all offended.)
(Privately, Padrikiun thinks this is probably a scandal and is mildly wondering if there is anything he should be doing to salvage the Vaesteri's reputation.)
Overall, they can have a nice and fun evening where the children (and Aaren) can hang out and the adults can Plot.
An enjoyable evening is had by all! And by the end of it, Inara will have worked out a date for watching Earth media with Teronmas.
Which Inara turns up for precisely on time, with a box of baking.
"Dad insists we provide our host gifts," she explains cheerfully.
"He also loves an excuse to bake. There's almost too much baking in his house right now."
"It's an excellent problem. Although 'Chelle complains about the fact that she can't go anywhere without having to take something with her."
Snort. "I guess he could try monitize it. Though, I don't know if lightkeepers are allowed to have side jobs."