After a week and a half after the first cooking class Dal-Yora sends out invitations for tea party.
"...I guess. You do have the whole thing about being the young heiress and having multiple marriage prospects." She immediately covers her mouth, mortified.
Inara doesn't seem in anyway offended by that summation. "The marriage proposals are really not all they're cracked up to be," she assures.
He quietly puts a hand on his sister's arm, because the situation is might be degenerating from cute-awkward to just awkward.
Internally, he reacts like these words when spoken have the power to smite them on the spot.
Externally he just holds his face.
"Please," Aaren says - does he seem at all concerned about Inara's declaration? No he does not.
Padrikiun will accept some too. Wondering what kind of situation his sister got in to and how to protect her from it.
Tea sounds like a wonderful distraction! "Thanks, you family has really amazing tea. And food in general. Not that yours isn't great Mr. Rydel. The food. I mean, maybe your tea too."
She will just drink her tea.
"Please," Aaren smiles at Ima. "Just 'Aaren' is fine. And this tea is truly exceptional, I would love to know where it was sourced from?"
Felix answers him. "It's mostly this good because our cook got fantastic at making tea blends. It's pretty much the only indulgence our grandparents enjoy by themselves."
"I suppose I will have to experiment myself and see if I can replicate it," Aaren muses.
"Like you weren't looking for your next cooking project anyway. Is tea even cooking? Steeping project?"
"Maybe? But the important thing is that it sounds like you haven't watched Avatar the Last Airbender and that sounds something to be fixed."