After a week and a half after the first cooking class Dal-Yora sends out invitations for tea party.
"Hello, Ima," Inara says. "It's excellent to see you again, I'm glad you could come."
Padrikiun - who totally has not been half paying attention to the current conversation in case there was a chance to introduce himself - turns and offers a hand. "Padrikiun, honored to meet you both."
"Quite," Dal-Ambre says to Padrikiun. "Your manners are excellent."
She turns her attention back to Dal-Yora, and answering the question with the perfect level of detail without really giving much at all away.
Inara shakes Padrikiun's hand. "A pleasure," she assures him, then turns her attention back to Ima. "I love your dress! It's absolutely perfect for you! You look wonderful!"
Ima grins and excitedly says. "Your is lovelier, but thank you! Padrikiun actually found it in a charity shop really cheap and I just had to do some adjustments."
Inara ignores her mother. "Well, it was definitely worth it! And I wish I could sew! I try and try, and well... Can barely even cross-stitch."
"It's a lovely dress of excellent taste. I reiterate Inara's compliment. I definitely never honed my sewing skill myself."
"You're probably not quite as bad as Ina," 'Chelle pipes up. "She managed to stitch her cross-stitch to herself."
Inara laughs and nudges her shoulder into 'Chelle's, not seeming even remotely offended. "Just because you're blessed with freakish hand-eye coordination."
Ima has observed Inara during cooking class enough to not be surprised by this.
Giggle. "If you need some cross-stitching to do, I can do it for you."
His sister would be... but not necessarily for too long. Emergency change of subject. "So... Have you met," line of sight picking target, "Parafi at the cooking class?"
That's probably not the smartest thing to imply while Imara's mother is right next to them.