After a week and a half after the first cooking class Dal-Yora sends out invitations for tea party.
Aaren takes the hand, shaking firmly. "A pleasure, thank you for the invitation. I'm Aaren Rydel, this is my daughter 'Chelle."
'Chelle knows enough about people politicking that she knows that is probably not as sincere as it sounds, but she smiles graciously and thanks Dal-Yora for the compliment.
"Firm." Dal-Jaon comments. He turns to Parafi and offers his hand. "I hope you have been adjusting better."
"-Ah," Parafi hesitates before shaking the offered hand - his shake is not precisely firm, more an attempt at a quick handshake. "Yes, sir, thank you."
He doesn't know about that, but he nods, and leans a little into Ima's touch, trying to convey his gratitude.
"It is great seeing you adjusting. Would the table mind if we took a seat, we can scamper off and leave our grandson," she nods at Fernando, "be with his friends."
They both respond - Aaren talks some about his military service and what lead him to 'Chelle and where he is now.
While 'Chelle talks mostly about her schooling, and what she's learning to do with magic.
Inara comes in at that point, and her eyes light up when she sees 'Chelle and Aaren, half starting to lift a hand to wave.
Only to be stopped by a reproving look from the woman with her, and a careful word. Appearances are, after all, everything.
They sure are. Though, the Vaesteri appear genuinely interested in Rydel's stories, they do spot when the Sauvesteri arrive.
Dal-Yora follows the rule of etiquette, she raises her hand, catches their attention, and signals them to approach with a flourish of the same raised. Textbook etiquette.
It would actually be impolite to not sit where their host indicates them to sit, which just happens to keep Inara next to 'Chelle and Dal-Ambre next to Dal-Yora.
Dal-Ambre is well aware of the etiquette, and sweeps across the room.
"Thank you for the invitation," she says as she takes her seat - if she's got any feelings about the seating arrangements they don't show.