After a week and a half after the first cooking class Dal-Yora sends out invitations for tea party.
"I will chase you down and drag you back by your ears if you leave before you're well enough. You've all done enough today."
Felix puts a hand on the sleeping Katur's forehead. "Okay, okay, we will stay. We can take turns making rounds?"
"Alright, I'm needed elsewhere, try not to torment each other two much. Yell if you need me."
People busy themselves. Padrikiun has enough common sense to not stop to chat with useless pleasantries, but he does asks her if they have made a census of patients and where to find that.
She points him in the direction of where she'd been recording people and a few brief details about their status.
Padrikiun thanks her and checks the records. He briefly notes that the triplets rescued someone before being interned himself. It will probably make good news tomorrow.
At the barrier.
They didn't exactly stay twindling their thumbs, but by and large, the people at the barrier had to focus on keeping themselves from drowning rather than doing any search and rescue. And even the few that fell in the water would be rescued by a duo of telekinetic patrolling the area. It was just not worth relocating them while the city was in chaos. Not yet, at least.
But eventually they can see something crossing the water like a skipping stone. And it's resting on the concrete floor before they know it. A recognizable van is there and the doors open, revealing the recognizable driver.
'Chelle doesn't want to leave, not exactly, but Teo and Alain are not giving her a choice. It's getting too dangerous out here.
People board the van, who then jumps to the next session of the barrier to collect another group and then go back to the shore. "How is everyone doing back there?" As the bowler hat driver.
"Damp!" Alain calls back, with surprising cheer. "Any idea where else we can help out?"
"Ha! Whole city is more rattled than the fleas in a dog that just got splashed over with cold water." The driver says looking at them through the rear mirror, it has the tones of an old saying. "You lads won't be complaining about not having anything to do! Be glad if you have time to breathe before someone shouts at you to help with something."
"Hi..." A tired voice asks, another passenger. "I wanted to ask. Are you...?"
The van hits the shore and starts making his way through town. Bouncing through or over streets. Both the passenger and their driver stop for a moment while she navigates what might be the worst of the damage, she avoids colliding with buildings.
"Chacha, The Ballistic!" The driver finally says. "Yeah, I am."
"-Oh. Awesome! I've been wanting to- Well, me and 'Chelle, we've been wanting to meet you for ages!!"
The revelation of their driver's identity is enough to pull 'Chelle out of her funk at least. "Like...yeah. This is bucket list material!"