After a week and a half after the first cooking class Dal-Yora sends out invitations for tea party.
The dam descends. Hitting the water without the sound of a splash, but instead of the resonant ting of vibrating metal. They feel the structure shaking with the stress.
Inside the hatches, the various volunteers can find runes and instructions: take turns, put your hand on them and push a bit of health and a bit of stamina. Moderate bits.
Alain and Teo are pretty good at swapping over with barely any pause - like the two of them are already used to casting in unison.
Their only view to the outside is a reinforced porthole. Though that grants the sight of the water in front of them growing still, not in the undisturbed and flat, but with the waves slowing down to the point of glassy stillness.
Then suddenly, the waves started to break, crack and raise upwards. The wall of water hits with speed and violence, the structure shakes, but holds.
For the most part.
'Chelle gets to see it. The wave hits the concrete and goes up. Higher than any building in Milirevi, apparently dispersing into harmless mist.
Further down the barrier, the ward gives in and the invisible wall breaks. The rest of the barrier holds, but there is a localized wave going through straight to the city.
'Chelle stares at the wave in horror, reminds herself that her family are safe, can't help but worry anyway, hands white-knuckled on the nearest unbreakable surface.
She and the operator can observe as the partial wave sweeps across the city. Boats are carried over far further into shore than they were ever supposed to be. Many places have smaller versions of the barrier ward, but not all. And sometimes the different wards working separately have weird effects making the water rebound and hit again on the surrounding buildings with more force, crumbling places that survived the initial onslaught.
The Govad district where the full-augments live is the worst hit, being directly on the waves' path and being less consistently warded.
All the while dots zip about on the ground and the sky, marking the presence of people racing against the force of nature.
Racing against nature is sure a difficult task. They have been expecting for the wave to go around the barrier, hitting the city from the sides and inward. The exact opposite happened and everyone is rushing to change tactic and redirecting the bulk of search-and-rescue.
However, Felix and Parafi's primary task remain the same: find people and make sure they don't drown or die of hypothermia. But maybe Felix needs to be reminded of that.
It's not the first time Parafi's seen devestation like this, and he's handling it the same way he has before - by pushing his emotions and away - but this time, he can actually help. When he notices Felix getting overwhelmed, he touches his elbow gently, hand overly warm, but not painfully so.
Felix takes in breath, it feels like he has been holding it for far too long. His heart is pounding desperately, but he can't get distracted.
"Right. Hold on onto me." They go into the danger zone.
They are not the only ones, but even with the evacuation warning and their specialized role there is no shortage of people to help- shit, that woman is stuck between two carts with water up to her waist.
-Can Parafi get one of the carts to burn without harming the woman? Make it easier to move out of the way?
Yes. With some controlled burning, they can free the woman much more easily than doing by moving the cart. This free Felix to provide some strategic healing to deal with the worst of her injuries. Barely awake she clings to them for warmth. Felix makes sure to say tell Parafi that he is clever, though there isn't much joy in the compliment. Someone with a floating stretcher spots them and collects the woman before flying away.
They are called over to a half-destroyed building half covered in ice. Felix tries to approach and retracts back when ice starts to form in their direction. "Whoever is in there notice me coming and reacted."
"Okay. I will take you out if anything bad happens, just give me a sign."
No ice suddenly manifests on his direction. Upon coming closer, he can tell what is inside the bubble of ice, a group of Efrossians: one is wearing the rescuer uniform and has a wound to their head. The other two are children who look at Parafi with scared eyes.
He crouches down slightly. "Hey," he says quietly, "we need to get out of here. It's dangerous."
The kids nods. The wounded rescuer stirs, he tries to focus, but is apparently too out of it to do anything but speak properly. Parafi is not sure if his eyes are actually focused on him or is that just a coincidence.
"Yeah, I can."
And he'll carefully start melting the ice, not too rapidly, but at a steady pace, keeping an eye on the man in the rescuer's uniform.
For a moment the man fights back against the melting, but after a pause stops and after another pause starts helping. He is more clumsy than the kids, but it doesn't result in a disaster. Everyone is damp, but not practically encased in ice. Someone in a floating platform spots them and approaches.
"There's someone coming down to evacuate you," Parafi warns, just in case this causes another resurgence of ice.
Some hand twitching that's hard to read. Maybe an affirmative grunt? More importantly, there is no more ice, and they go on the platform without incident.
Felix shows up after they are gone, with the signs of emaciation typical of someone who just spent a lot of health at once. "Please, come with me." And he picks up Parafi.
-Parafi squints suspiciously at him, but can't risk giving Felix a pep-up right now, just in case wherever they're going someone needs it more.
...holding the hand of a unconscious man stuck inside the vehicle. His pale face might look familiar.
-It isn't even a conscious thought that has Parafi reaching out for the man, ready to try and heal him.