After a week and a half after the first cooking class Dal-Yora sends out invitations for tea party.
Well then. She'll see him then. Or possibly at some other point if there's another group outing before then.
Unfortunately, life happens despite everyone's plans.
Tsunami warning. A volcano has been given signs of activity lately, but nothing that could be pin-pointed enough until it actually happened.
And today, it happened. Combination of seismic sensors and precognition gave them twenty-three minutes warning before the first wave hits. The emergency siren blast through out the city. Volunters of all stripes are called to help.
Fernando drops from the sky holding Thomas. "Do want to help with an official assignment?"
"Although we," 'Chelle points to her friends, "are pretty good with tech if that's needed?"
Thomas reveals a rope attached to his arm, moving as with a life of his own. "Hold onto this and we will fly. I think the costal barrier then."
"Behave, Anima," the other boy says, poking the first in the side as everyone grabs the rope. "I'm Alain, the reprobate is Teo, we're at your service."
"I'm sorry," 'Chelle says, faux-seriously, "I would never have inflicted them on you, but they were at ours when the alarms went off and wouldn't be left behind."
The rope grabs them back. Not very dexterously, but firm and gentle. Fernando does the part of taking them up in the air and zipping towards the Vaeteri's Daliath Temple. A light rain starts falling. "Four more volunteers!" Fernando shouts.
Suddenly, they are wearing bracelets, the kind ensued to people during disaster relief. For a moment, they might even think it was Felix, but they catch a glimpse of the speedster, and they had long black hair.
There are people shouting instructions, and they are herded to get a ward on them. Everything is moving very fast.
Aaren is good at fast, regardless of his normally laconic nature. "I have experience with conjuration," he says to the first person who seems to be organising the relevant thing.
Aaren is directed to an area to ward volunteers against drowning and hypothermia. Meanwhile, his children - after being warded - are assigned costal duty and herded into a van. Which is partially drives, partially flies towards their destination at considerable speed.
They're edgy, nervous, but they're definitely interested in the specifics of this van, trading theories quietly with each other, trying not to be too loud.
The van tumbles, jumps, shakes and even bumps into things (leaving no harm behind), without the occupants feeling that they are inside a washing machine going down a hill. From that they can figure out that the vehicle is likely privately owned and finely tuned to the driver. An elderly woman with a bowler hat. The custom decoration composed entirely of worn soft things adds credence to this theory. It was likely some sort of mural made of stuffed animals on the van's ceiling.
Add after a long stretch of skipping on the water like a stone, their drive shouts. "Prepare to be on the move! I will leave in three seconds with people hanging on the door or not!" Externally the movement is abrupt, but they are cushioned from any impact and the doors open automatically.
The barrier is just a house-sized construction of concrete and metal, which they are now on top of.
They disembark rapidly, despite Alain looking briefly conflicted about the idea of hanging off a door, but they've got a job to do here, and they're damn well going to do it.
Someone comes out a cabin, going after the van, but it's far too fast. The thin old operator, turns to them. "This section of the barrier is stuck, again. Do any of you have a power useful for moving large chunks of metal?"