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Quartet in WTFMagic!Alienville

Simultaneously like a flower and seed. It blossoms and it takes roots. Petals extend out and reach to call attention and draw sustenance. Aiming towards the abstract. It is a rigid fractal and organic curve.

Above all, it is power, but power for what and from what it isn't clear.

The threads weave through them. Four kinds of threads, matching the four of them.

It pulls and draws scenes. Artificial bits of stories. It finds something that could be considered kinship in these false realities.

They watch the torrent of information forming and flowing around them. An adult talking to an infant in liquid form, held in a beverage container. Humanoid non-humans in the background. The question of a confused friend.

More fragments are taken. A changeling rising from a sea of iridescent light, taking humanoid form. A lizardlike humanoid in a victorian dress. Captain Kirk fending off Gorn. Julian Bashir, reaching out, hypospray and tricorder in hand. 
A hand touching a face. My mind to your mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts. Our minds are merging, our minds are becoming one. 

The fragments are wonderful. The fragments are terrifying. The fragments are fates. The fragments are... made into existence.

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Scrambling his four legs and falling out of the way of the blast was totally on purpose. Regardless, it gets him out of the way of the blast.


Fenris leaps and bounces off the wall in a way that you only see cats doing it. But the important thing is that it gets his jaws around a beige-clad person. His teeth, are surprisingly cold.


The being in Fenris' jaws shrieks, their attempted dodge stalled by his cold teeth sinking into their leg. After a moment of struggle, the limb comes off, detaching from the rest of their mass with a disgusting squelch noise. The leg dissolves into a pale metallic silver goo in Fenris' jaws, and thin tendrils of the same material stretch from the shifter's stump, attempting to heal the wound but lacking the spare mass to do so. The shifter will have to completely un-shift in order to fully reform again. Being in such a vulnerable position, they instead allow thenself to fall to the ground, bringing their blaster to bear on Fenris and attempting to fire on him.


Meanwhile, the shifter that had first noticed the newcomers goes for Erin, seeing as she's the one with a weapon they recognise. Their next attempts hit the wall around the doorframe, the door of which she ducks behind when she sees them coming. Getting proper hold on her own weapon, she leans out from behind the door and fires once herself, before she can think too hard about it. The blast leaves a shallow charred hole in the floor behind and to the right of them. Quickly, she fires once more, hitting their arm and leaving a slightly less quickly repairing wound of her own there - though at least they lose their own weapon in the process. 

Blasterless, they rush her, attempting to get to her before she can fire again. A futile effort, it turns out - she holds down the trigger as she retreats further into the office, the blaster delivering in the form of five fast bursts of energy/plasma/whatever the thing fires. She hits the back wall, flinching from the light given off by the weapon in her hands, and then looks up again to find her enemy collapsing into a spreading pool of charred silver on the floor. 


As the first being turns to attack Erin, Caine rises to attempt to go to her aid, but a third shifter intercepts him. Caine snarls lowly as they advance, before ducking low to sweep a leg out, unbalancing the shifter and sending them onto their back. He tries to dodge around their form, but the being stretches - their limb gaining a shimmery silver appearance as they do so - and grabs hold of him, tripping him and sending him down into a quickly controlled fall. They drag him back towards their body, more of them turning into silvery goo as they touch skin under his pant leg, which is riding up. The touch burns like acid on a thousand papercuts, like it's eating into his skin; Caine lets out an agonised scream. 


Might-be-Soren is busily savaging the remaining four beige-clad shifters, holding his ground and preventing them from entering the training room. He seems to be doing alright; he's a little singed, but whenever a blast hits him it seems to disperse a bit, the site of the hit shimmering a bit as it does so. 

He's pretty occupied, though, so they'll probably have to deal with their opponents on their own.


Fenris attempts to kick the blaster out of the way but he is shot.

However, he manages to land a solid bite against the creature's shoulder and a powerful breath of cold air freezes half of its torso.


Felix rushes in against the shifter that tried to shoot him before. He will try to tackle the creature to the ground.


The unfrozen half of their body goes silver; the frozen half shatters in the attempt to do the same. With the mass they have left they shift again, into a smaller form - a silvery-scaled snake of some sort, their fangs dripping with the silver of their natural form. They lunge towards Fenris fangs first, attempting a strike which would have similar effects to the attack which made Caine scream. 


Her awareness expanding beyond her own fight, Erin suddenly notices Caine's screaming. She rushes out of the room, jumping over the puddle of ex-shifter to help. Aiming at the point farthest from Caine on the shifter attacking him, she fires two shots into their right shoulder, which is still human-shaped.

Hissing, the being releases Caine, who scrambles away, choking as his leg drags over the ground. Whatever she gave to that guy they'd met in that alley the day before must have done something about the screeching nerves left behind by the attack they'd both suffered. 

Eyes narrowing, Erin fires again at the reforming blob, getting off two shots before the blaster won't give out any more. Hopefully either a cool down period is needed or a new cartridge, but either way, without the stream of energy projectiles the shifter regains enough momentum to lunge its liquid form at the two teens. Caine, half leaning against the wall to keep weight off his leg, drags Erin out of the way. The shifter splatters against the wall and has to take a moment to regather itself. They get some distance while it does, Erin examining the blaster for clues as to whether it will be ready to fire again at some point. 



...Shifts back to human form, with his hand ready to grab the snake by the neck. And then freeze it.


Felix' shifter goes down when he tackles them. Once they hit the ground they start shifting back, attempting to catch Felix with the debilitating affect merging has on solid beings, their most effective tactic in melee combat. 


Felix senses that Fenris is doing rather well on the fight. He can't say the same for him, but there is some luck on his side.

The shifter manages to grab hold of Felix's neck when young-man-wolf tries to bite the creature. The hold is solid, the merging is debilitating.

Except, that Felix's power set includes access to a lot of information he has to process through with concentration and care. The shifter will enjoy being carried adrift into the  tornado of noise that's Felix's mind right now. There is just too much.


The snakeshifter turns into a snakecicle, and then snakefetti. 

Felix' shifter tries to take in the wave of information coming from their victim, makes a squeaking noise so high-pitched probably only the twins (and maybe maybe-Soren) could hear it, and dissolves into a puddle. They're not dead, but they don't look much better. 


The blaster makes a whirring noise as a light Erin hadn't noticed going out lights up again. Taking that as a sign, Erin fires at the shifter in front of her again. She gets one shot off before the light goes out again, and the shifter reforms around the wound - much more slowly than they had from the last ones, but they still do it. Caine steps in front of her, weight entirely on his one good leg, as their enemy approaches. 


A growl comes from behind the teens; the shifter stops in its tracks. 

The cat alien leaps over them and tears into the last live-and-conscious shifter, splattering silver all over the hall. It doesn't reform. 

Work finished, maybe-Soren turns to regard his unexpected comrades. 


Felix also turns back to human shape. "Uh, hi?"


After a moment, during which maybe-Soren studies the four of them intently, the air around him shimmers.


And then there is a perfectly normal-looking human standing there. He still smells like cat, though. 

"Hello," he returns. 

He's covered in specks of silver, and his clothes sport charred holes revealing reddened skin. His face is bloody, too; somehow the damage and mess littering his true form has carried on to this one. 

He looks them all over, then folds his hands together in front of him. "How can I help you?" He asks, mild as milk. 


As soon as the danger has passed, Erin whips out scanner and synthesiser to fix Caine up, and then Felix as well, if he looks like he needs it. The boy slides down the wall until he's sat on the floor, paying attention to the scene in front of him but accepting that he won't be of much help if it turns into a fight for some reason. 


Fenris gives Erin a weird look, almost standoffish, and then proceeds to hover his hands over Felix, they glow with soft green energy.


"Our half-orc friend came here earlier and thought you might have been an alien." Pause. "I guess he was right."


Erin nods, businesslike, at Fenris' look, and turns back to Caine, offering him a vial of the neurostabiliser. While he downs it, she turns the scanner on the nearest charred silver pool. The scanner informs her that the shapeshifter in question is dead. She pauses for a long moment, face going unreadable, and then closes the scanner to pay attention to Soren and Felix. 


He huffs, "An alien, yes," he says, something wryly amused to his countenance. "And what did you need from another outworlder, exactly?" He asks, glancing at Erin as he does. "Not that I do not appreciate the assistance," he adds. 


"You know, then," Caine states, cautiously stretching out his leg from his spot on the floor. 

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