Today the committee on Safe Roads and Safe Villages contemplated a measure to end the practice of rushing bills to the floor without time to consult with experts, the practice of introducing amendments without the approval of the committee that recommended the measure to the floor, and the practice of scheduling bills by racing one another to stand in line. I have attached our draft proposal, which I intend to introduce on 12 Sarenith after having consulted with all of the great men of Cheliax and sought the guidance of the Church of Iomedae, the Church of Erastil, the Church of Pharasma, and the Church of Abadar.

The bill proposes to create a committee on scheduling which decides when floor debate on measures will begin (at least three days after the measure is posted publicly). This is, naturally, a great deal of practical power for a committee to exercise, and myself, the Duke de Fraga, and the rest of the Committee on Safe Roads believed that it was necessary that the committee be composed of wise and sensible men who can be trusted to employ this power in a manner that decreases the grave danger of factionalism instead of increasing it. 

We discussed a great many different strategies for selecting the men of the committee, and the one proposed herein is as follows: each of the archdukes of Cheliax may recommend a lawful and honorable man to the committee. The churches of Abadar, Iomedae, Pharasma, and Erastil may likewise recommend one among their number, and the Queen may appoint two (a privilege she is not expected to exercise). In line with the commitments of the Archmage Cotonnet, at least one of the men selected thereby must be a sortition and one an elected.

Each duke of Cheliax, and each of the chairs of each existing committee of the convention, may among these men identify the one in whose wisdom and honor they trust the most, and may assign that man a token; in a vote of the committee, a man who has the confidence of four dukes carries four votes. The committee will thereby be weighted, among the lawful and honorable men it contains, towards those in which the high nobility of Cheliax have the most confidence.

It is my sincere hope that by this means we can avoid both factionalism and mob rule, and my intent to spend this evening identifying the members of the scheduling committee. I imagine that this proposal, with the right scheduling committee membership, could garner your support, and am eager to speak with you about the slate of candidates to ensure they are a group of men in whom you have utmost confidence.

to, of course, Archduke Requena and Archduke Blanxart and Archduke Narikopolus and Archduke Shawil and Archduchess Bainilus and every duke of Cheliax and every count liable to have independent opinions. She will also have someone bring it by the Kortos tavern to hopefully get the outspoken commoners on board.