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Version: 1
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pure and clean
A Luehmani and a Luehmani go into Milliways

The bowels of the Reforged Knight's stronghold are somewhere between labyrinth and rabbit warren. Even with space to sprawl, the corridors and chambers twist and loop on themselves, to make as much use of the space as possible. Combined with the rooms that changed their shape and layout, depending on the number of people in it, it turned the building into a cartographer's nightmare.

Luehmani has been a Sequitor in her chamber for some time. It would be absurd to become lost in her own home base.

...but it really is a labyrinth.

She walks from the library to her quarters, or at least attempts to. She has been up too long, and as much as Stormcasts do not need to sleep, the routine does her good. She'd gotten distracted, running her fingers under the text as she read devotional songs (the simple ones, the ones that faithful children learn, imagining herself a better childhood than the one she barely remembers, one where she knew the love of Sigmar from the beginning, and never had to turn away from Chaos.)

She opens a door, confident that she's going in the right direction--

--and finds herself in an alehouse.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Content
pure and clean
A Luehmani and a Luehmani go into Milliways

The bowels of the Reforged Knights stronghold are somewhere between labyrinth and rabbit warren. Even with space to sprawl, the corridors and chambers twist and loop on themselves, to make as much use of the space as possible. Combined with the rooms that changed their shape and layout, depending on the number of people in it, it turned the building into a cartographer's nightmare.

Luehmani has been a Sequitor in her chamber for some time. It would be absurd to become lost in her own home base.

...but it really is a labyrinth.

She walks from the library to her quarters, or at least attempts to. She has been up too long, and as much as Stormcasts do not need to sleep, the routine does her good. She'd gotten distracted, running her fingers under the text as she read devotional songs (the simple ones, the ones that faithful children learn, imagining herself a better childhood than the one she barely remembers, one where she knew the love of Sigmar from the beginning, and never had to turn away from Chaos--)

She opens a door, confident that she's going in the right direction--

--and finds herself in an alehouse.