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Version: 1
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A Petition to the Archhealer Nayima
kobold biology: not great!

[This petition is delivered to the palace alongside the petitions to the Queen.]

To the Wise and Clever Archhealer Nayima, Defender of Civilization, Guardian of Life, & c.:

I humbly beseech you to reconsider your policy of refusing to grant a new form once again to your subjects merely because the whims of Fate have granted them the form of a kobold, and adopt instead a policy of requiring all such people to once again undergo the process of reincarnation until they have been given an acceptable form. I know that such a request will consume no small part of your time, and I do not make it lightly. But I fear that if the current situation is allowed to persist, either countless children will be consigned to death, or Cheliax will be overrun by feral kobolds.

What few reports of the reincarnated exist indicate that kobolds do not reproduce as humans do, but rather lay clutches of many eggs, sometimes hundreds at a time. A single occurrence of the marital act is sufficient to produce this outcome, so long as both parties are kobolds. Without interference, these eggs will inevitably hatch into hundreds of live kobolds. I consulted with several priests of Pharasma when I first became aware of this, and though they were uncertain they expressed that it was certainly possible that the unborn kobolds within these eggs are ensouled from the moment the eggs are laid.

In a country less tainted by the vices of Hell, this might perhaps be manageable — though in truth I am not certain that it would be, if a single instance of great foolishness and recklessness is sufficient to bring about such a calamitous outcome. In Cheliax as it exists today, I am certain that it is not manageable. The orphanages of Cheliax already overflow with human children, the product of the licentiousness and unchastity encouraged by Hell. There is little reason to expect the people of Cheliax to come to understand virtue merely because they have been granted the form of a kobold. The same behavior that in humans leads to a single abandoned child will in kobolds lead either to hundreds of dead kobold children, or to hundreds of feral children roaming the streets and sewers.

Honored Archhealer, I beg you to put an end to this. Do not permit anyone to adopt the form of a kobold, no matter their preferences, and certainly do not force them to.

Humbly and sincerely,

Kostas Lebournes, lately of Westcrown

Version: 2
Fields Changed Subject
A Petition to the Archhealer Nayima on the matter of Reincarnated Kobolds
kobold biology: not great!

[This petition is delivered to the palace alongside the petitions to the Queen.]

To the Wise and Clever Archhealer Nayima, Defender of Civilization, Guardian of Life, & c.:

I humbly beseech you to reconsider your policy of refusing to grant a new form once again to your subjects merely because the whims of Fate have granted them the form of a kobold, and adopt instead a policy of requiring all such people to once again undergo the process of reincarnation until they have been given an acceptable form. I know that such a request will consume no small part of your time, and I do not make it lightly. But I fear that if the current situation is allowed to persist, either countless children will be consigned to death, or Cheliax will be overrun by feral kobolds.

What few reports of the reincarnated exist indicate that kobolds do not reproduce as humans do, but rather lay clutches of many eggs, sometimes hundreds at a time. A single occurrence of the marital act is sufficient to produce this outcome, so long as both parties are kobolds. Without interference, these eggs will inevitably hatch into hundreds of live kobolds. I consulted with several priests of Pharasma when I first became aware of this, and though they were uncertain they expressed that it was certainly possible that the unborn kobolds within these eggs are ensouled from the moment the eggs are laid.

In a country less tainted by the vices of Hell, this might perhaps be manageable — though in truth I am not certain that it would be, if a single instance of great foolishness and recklessness is sufficient to bring about such a calamitous outcome. In Cheliax as it exists today, I am certain that it is not manageable. The orphanages of Cheliax already overflow with human children, the product of the licentiousness and unchastity encouraged by Hell. There is little reason to expect the people of Cheliax to come to understand virtue merely because they have been granted the form of a kobold. The same behavior that in humans leads to a single abandoned child will in kobolds lead either to hundreds of dead kobold children, or to hundreds of feral children roaming the streets and sewers.

Honored Archhealer, I beg you to put an end to this. Do not permit anyone to adopt the form of a kobold, no matter their preferences, and certainly do not force them to.

Humbly and sincerely,

Kostas Lebournes, lately of Westcrown