It was cold. It was so cold, and Imliss was gone, and she was so tired...
She closed her eyes.
She hadn't been expecting to open them again.
Mhm. You're clever people, you can probably defuse a trap if there is one. Still hope it's not necessary.
Yeah. She shifts back human. Ear scritches are lovely but she wants to properly hug him now.
I will. She can't really promise him that but if anything did happen to her again it wouldn't help anything for him to be miserable in the meanwhile.
Does he want her to let him be not-okay or does he want her to remind him that it's over now?
I love you.
It wasn't forever. I'm alive and back and here in your arms.
But Imliss objects to kissing in front of her so she's going to kiss him some more first.
Idaia would defend her sister if she had enough brainspace to devote to that as well as kisses.