It was cold. It was so cold, and Imliss was gone, and she was so tired...
She closed her eyes.
She hadn't been expecting to open them again.
It was cold. It was so cold, and Imliss was gone, and she was so tired...
She closed her eyes.
She hadn't been expecting to open them again.
Idaia would totally abandon her not-admitting-things policy to warn people about this if she knew what it was to warn people about! She does not. "Probably a Maia or something" doesn't really count, they're too varied.
They could check out the other side of the lake once it's daylight an less likely to be inhabited by spooky things. Probably less likely to be inhabited by spooky things.
No, no, totally understandable, they waited until broad daylight to come over and investigate for a reason.
Faces, sort of? Can they elaborate on that?
Well okay then.
...They didn't do anything harmful except be spooky. They might just be random Maiar who don't mean anyone harm. Orrrr they might not be. She really shouldn't bet that they are. She does not voice these thoughts aloud.
Eminently reasonable. Maybe they should also take turns being awake so if something happens the awake person can wake everyone else.
Okay. This is probably going to end up increasing the awkwardness of some form of explanation or other down the line but for now they can roll with it.
Wolves don't generally attack humans on purpose! ...This fact was learned in a world where humans had been around for long enough that it's entirely possible it only applies when the wolves have any experience with humans. Is there anywhere more defensible than 'literally random patches of ground' for humans to sleep.
Can she greet them by osanwe without it seeming weird--well, she already has a private/public thoughts distinction, that's strange already...
Please don't, there's weird mist creatures in the lake and they're all kind of on edge already. Couldn't you just ask?