"...each other, though I suppose that's not particularly non-obvious. Connor needs to be able to do useful work that doesn't strike him as - stupid, or a long shot, or valuing appearances above utility. Tracks will offer to do defense or weapons training if he hears it's needed, maybe even pilot one of the robots, but it'll be terrible for him; he's still recovering from previous trauma as a child soldier. He just - needs to decompress. Dana needs to be doing something obviously useful. Naomi should do all right, as long as she's appreciated and no one spends too much time tearing apart her priorities or trying to get her to commit to opinions. Zana - Zana mostly needs room to do things and learn and grow and experiment, and someone around to remember that she's a child and a human and needs all the things that normal human children need, no matter how hard she tries to get people to ignore this. Anemone has a habit of saying a lot of very concerning things and needs at least someone around who will resolutely not be overly concerned about them, and she still has night terrors sometimes, so she needs someone who can stay with her when that happens. Tamir - hasn't been with us for very long, honestly, but I think he mostly needs someone to hug him and assure him that he's safe enough to think about anything besides how safe he is. Christina's the same, although she requires more in the way of evidence. Tempest is fine, she mostly needs someone to prevent her from breaking her ankle by jumping off the roof of a building somewhere. William and Mary just need to keep being kids.
"At a first pass, anyway. People can't really be summarized in a sentence."