Arazni cast a silence on Vigil, and everything for ten to twelve miles around, making it approximately impossible for most spellcasters to oppose her. She then stopped time and dismantled the walls she'd built; when time started again, they were falling to rubble.
If Razmir's attacking you, you can place traps that Disjoin him, you can smite him and shoot at him.
What do you do against that? You pray.
And you hope. But... this would be a different story, if they lost.
And what I'm told Iomedae did when She came out of Heaven was talk to Arazni. Show her what really happened in the Crusade where they fought together, show her how she died, show her how her friends had grieved her, show her that they never stopped hoping they would someday have the strength to save her. And then the Goddess cut Arazni free of Geb.
The bravest person she'd ever seen executed was a maledicted priest of Shelyn. If you didn't count the screams - and there were a lot of them - his last words were 'Nirvana is for everyone.' Repeatedly. Even though after the first time they took away his ability to say it much above a whisper. The Vicar looked incensed that they couldn't impale him and still send his soul to Hell.
It took Jilia a while after that, to understand what he meant. It's just too un-Chelish. But it was this. That Good will help everyone, if they can. Even women who are forced by their monarchs to rule far more cruelly and evilly than they'd wish if they were free.
...For example.