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Weiss in þereminia

...She died once. Or perhaps 'he' died. The memories of that world are getting vaguer and vaguer, though, as she spends more time wandering this new one. Faint impressions of air conditioners and phone screens and cars and skyscrapers. The things that stuck out, the learned intuitions of how the modern technological world works. Instant ramen, student loans. Crosswalks, new phones. Fake news, lease-to-own. It's all so loud and busy and it felt terribly, horribly important at the time. Money. Career. Achievement. Marriage.

She's forgotten most of it. It's probably for the best. How long has it been? She keeps forgetting who's supposed to be King these days, so probably a while, right? It's still King Dolemus for now, right? Probably.

Being a fox, a kitsune, has been fun! There's very little pressure. All the noise and worry of modernity, and all the technology and benefits too, are so far away and irrelevant now. It's somehow comfortable - probably thanks to magic - to exist as a wolf-sized predator in the woods, digging in the dirt with her paws and sniffing out rabbits and badgers and the like. And it's really fun to visit towns and cities once in a while, transformed into her half-form and wearing an illusion to look like an ordinary traveler, or a wandering bard, or a mysterious merchant, to chat to people and enjoy the ambiance and occasionally pull pranks and mess with them. And she really enjoys good restaurant meals and nice, handmade cakes and sweets. They even give her a little extra boost of energy!

Let's not talk about the other things that give her extra energy. She wants to whine in embarrassment every time she remembers the Red Dream, her awakening night when she stopped being a fox and became a Kitsune.

Anyway! Today is a good day. She found a leyline convergence recently, those magical places that human wizards and kitsunes alike so love to flock to and bask in. And this one's in a remote area and alllll hers. Aside from a few fellow foxes who were in the area. So she's just curling up and taking a nice nap, basking in the warmth of the magic as she slowly breathes it in. Until the power grows, and grows, and surges

A dimensional crack!

Perhaps she could avoid falling into it if she really wanted to, but it does sound like a fun adventure. She lets it open under her paws, and falls towards whatever awaits.

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þereminia has a healthy relationship with sex, yes. Plus, sex work is one of those things that is going to happen regardless of what anyone has to say about it, so it's best to just set up a licensing board to make sure everything is disease-free and consensual.

Anyway, if she wants to hire someone she can go visit a brothel, or make an appointment with someone. There's an app, but since she's a special guest the diplomatic team is also happy to arrange everything. What kind of person does she want? Or people, plural? Male, female, or other? With or without a penis? Someone who enjoys hurting people, someone who enjoys being hurt, someone who likes bondage, or maybe someone kinky? Does she want dinner and conversation (maybe dancing) first, or just sex? In private or public?


What a fascinatingly straightforward way of doing things. Tirra has all sorts of foibles over this. She loves it. The app is ... interesting ...

...With a penis, someone who understands that ejaculating on/in this particular variety of alien is physically exhausting equal to a bit over an hour of exercise because of magic and is willing to do that anyway, no particular white or black list of kinks or pain, no dancing/dinner. She'll pick someone who has that lithe almost-waifish look among the set. Probably this requires manual intervention as 'your client is a Kitsune' is not really a standard disclaimer.

She notes aloud that she could probably avoid having to pay by wearing a pink headband and lying down naked in public somewhere designated for that, and might try it later, but doing it this way frees her from obligation and responsibility and guilt and the duty of reciprocation. She doesn't associate emotional attachment with sex in the usual way so this probably just works better for all that it would be utterly impossible back home.


That all makes sense. Central River City is not the largest city in the world, but it has a large enough population that she'll be able to find someone matching her particular aesthetic tastes. While the visitors are a big deal, the app hasn't been updated to have a filter for that exact thing. But people's sex tastes are specific enough that it's designed to handle arbitrary requests, and she can find someone to service her in short order. Since it's a dietary requirement, the government partially subsidizes it for her.

A member of the diplomatic team does get her a map of the city, and marks the district zoned for public sex. Since the city is fairly small, it's a fairly small zone — basically just a park with an amphitheater and some furniture, surrounded by shops and nice restaurants.

"If you want to put on a pink headband, put up a sign saying that you just want to be ejaculated on or in, and see if anyone takes you up on it, you'll probably get plenty of takers," they observe. "People do often associate emotional attachment with sex, but not everyone does, and also you're an exotic alien so people are probably willing to make exceptions."


"I think I'll try that tomorrow. It does sound fun. At risk of sounding repetitive, it really is refreshing to be able to talk freely about these things. And it's not like I'll just sit there, I'll be more than happy to help. Or do some form of role-play. Huntress stalking her prey... Sex is just... Fun pretty generally. It's fun to make other people have fun, and fun to be desired, even if it doesn't take overwhelming importance, you know?"


They nod.

"I know what you mean! I'm pretty subby, so for me there's just this sense of rightness when I can make everything come together for my dom, you know? Knowing that you're doing exactly what they want, and that they've chosen you to make it happen ..." They trail off. "Yeah, sex is great."

They shuffle some notes on a clipboard.

"It's not too urgent, but some of our xenoanthropologists actually have questions about ... what it is that Tirra does differently around discussing sex? Like, is this something where we're going to have to brief people headed through the rift to avoid causing a diplomatic incident, or will we just seem weird? Some of the staff have noticed that you, Megi, and Weiss all seem to have pretty different attitudes toward sex."


She smiles. "Ah, this conversation is working me up a bit... Humm. Weiss is even more shy than Tirran average. Kitsunes have a... Well, sort of awakening fugue? We call it the Red Dream. She doesn't make too great a secret that she had a really terrible experience during hers but still would rather that not spread too far. I think Megi might be closest to average Tirran attitude towards sex? Public sex is generally taboo, you couldn't really get away with hosting an event or festival where people actually touch erogenous zones, maybe a private party with people you know to be at least somewhat interested would pass, but... A festival with dancing in little clothing, and then vanishing into homes, is generally acceptable? There's generally a layer of - indirection and euphemism over everything? And potentially baby-creating sex is also taboo outside of marriage, and some of that leaks over to heterosexual relationships that don't involve the potential for babies just out of, I'd call it social paranoia. Also, less emphasis on sadism, masochism, and dominant or submissive relations? And somewhat stricter gender roles due to the babies thing. I think I would do better with - examples, and describing several common Tirran social tropes' reactions to said examples."


"Ah, that makes sense. Yeah, it's always the things that both sides don't know that are hardest to break down. Let me think ..."

They tap their clipboard with their pen.

"So ... I guess it makes sense to start out with the most basic, likely situation and work up. How would people from Tirra react if someone came up to them and said 'I think you're attractive, would you like to go have a meal and talk about what kinds of sex we like, and then potentially have some'?"

They stumble a little over translating the question. SCOL has a compound conjunction that clearly relates the outcome of the discussion to the modality of the last clause, which doesn't translate cleanly to Notal.


"...'What the fuck, get away from me you creep', probably. Or 'wow, you're coming on way too hard buddy', or walking away very quickly to a place they perceive as safe. My mental model says - since there is a norm of indirection - 'I think you're attractive, would you like to go have a meal and talk' is fine, 'about what kinds of sex we like and maybe have some' is an escalation and indicative of someone willing to break norms around sex in order to have some, and therefore dangerous or unpredictable. You're supposed to talk first, and see if you seem interested in each other at all, and approach it - obliquely or after some time getting comfortable in each others' presence."


"... huh. Doesn't that result in a lot of misunderstandings? Or people being hesitant to make platonic friendships because they're worried that it's an overture for sex?" they question.

"Not that you can argue with culture, of course. But it sounds like we should definitely warn people not to do that. How well do you usually have to know someone before you can bring the topic up?"


"Yes. Yes it does. Even with the priestesses of Otena trying to push back against that kind of thing. It's bad. But you can't argue with culture."

She sounds tired about that.

"...'Flirting' is the act of sending social signals of willingness get closer to the topic of sex in little steps, and is full of little things I absolutely can't put into words. I suppose... First, indicating a general willingness to not entirely platonic relations, then discussing attraction and attractiveness, then discussing cuddling or body contact, then discussing sex in general or vague terms, then discussing sex in clear and specific terms. If you and someone you're talking to end up flirting you can eventually propose sex, or more likely a proposal to go to a private place where you can then discuss or have sex. Discussing things one finds attractive in other people, but not yet discussing sex, is a strong sign of flirting. Like- 'I really appreciate a good six pack' is flirting, especially if accompanied by a glance at your abs."


"Oh! We have something kind of like that. But it's ... more about showing off than about signalling interest per se? Although I guess it does signal interest, really. Like, if I wanted to ask someone out, but I thought that they might not have thought of me like that, so I wanted to get them into a more receptive frame of mind, I could, like, do something particularly skillful and then make eye contact with them. Or stand in a more provocative pose. Or ask them what they like in their partners and then present more like that when around them. But all of that is more about priming them to have the discussion; not a replacement for talking about it," they explain.

"Okay, so how would someone from Tirra react if they tried to 'flirt' and someone from here didn't notice? It's hard enough to notice your own cultural ..."


While Sinnah has been teaching magic and having frank discussions with the diplomatic team, the other Kitsune visitors have been getting more hands-on experience with the city.

Diplomat Tatenika tracks down Weiss the day after she returns through the rift.

"Hello, Weiss! I just wanted to tell you that the first group of people have passed their Notal competency exams, and we're ready to do the lookalike contest for you and Megi anytime today. Is that something you're still interested in?"


"I don't actually need a lookalike contest! I'm happy to be appreciated without subterfuge~ And I'm actually maybe feeling even more adventurous than just sitting at a tarvern or 'cafe'? Is there a-" She smirks, "-A pink zone, I guess I'd call it?"


"...I, meanwhile, would still appreciate the chance to be - visibly myself and yet at least somewhat unsuspicious and normal."


Tatenika nods.

"Megi, you're of course free to tell people that you're really a Kitsune; I'm sorry to say that people probably won't believe you without a demonstration, because everybody knows a bunch of people are going to be lying about this all day today. Weiss, we were planning to have everyone pretending to be you meet up in the park, so it will be easy to slip you in unseen. Then they'll disperse throughout the city doing whatever. You probably don't want an escort, since that would defeat the point, but please don't hesitate to text me if you need help finding or arranging anything. Your phone is already loaded with a subway pass and seasons passes to places that have that, like the museum. We've arranged for the people pretending to be you to continue for the next six days, but we can extend that or not, depending on how you feel then," she explains. "Does that work for you?"


"Going this elaborate really isn't necessary... But it should be fun. I think I'll be good for now?"


"You should look up videos of some of the First Contact Rehearsal Festivals sometime," Tatenika suggests. "I think you will find that our people love an excuse to dress up as an alien and attend an event. So it's really not as much of an imposition as you might imagine. But I'm glad to hear that works for you."

"Megi, there are a few clubs where people go to dance and meet potential partners, or there's a park and surrounding set of shops that are zoned for public sex. I can show you on a map of the city ..."

She pulls out her phone and points out the requisite area.

"I don't think there's any events scheduled there today, unfortunately. Those tend to be more in the summer, when there are fewer chilly days. But there will probably be a few people making use of the facilities. You could also arrange meet ups with people using a matchmaking app, or something like that. It depends on what exactly you're looking for."


"Which of these would you say is most adventurous?"


(Weiss busies herself designing a disguise that is somewhat different from her usual self but minimal on maimtenance cost.)


Tatenika considers the question.

"Most adventurous? I'm not sure. Not least of all because I'm not entirely sure about the subtle meanings of the Notal word. I think the thing that would create the most unexpected spectacle is ... heading down to the park, recruiting some nice people from the crowd, and putting on an improvised performance with backing illusions? Not because people wouldn't be excited, just because they probably are expecting you to have better things to do. Plus, not everyone does like public sex; sex is already messy and occasionally awkward even before you add in people watching. The most dangerous option is probably making a private appointment to meet someone in a secluded alley at midnight."

"Which is still very safe, statistically!" she clarifies. "We have rule of law. But it is probably the most dangerous— No, I take that back. Finding someone who is into auto-erotic asphyxiation is probably more dangerous, actually. I'd have to look at some mortality statistics to be sure."

"The most taboo course of action is probably to rape someone. But I cannot in fact encourage you to do that, because that is very illegal and would cause a serious diplomatic incident. You could roleplay a scenario with someone, though. As long as they agree ahead of time and you respect an agreed upon stopword, that's fine."

Tatenika spreads her hands in a 'language, what can you do' sort of gesture.

"So if I'm understanding the word right, any of those might be the most adventurous. But most people don't actually want to be adventurous most of the time; there's nothing wrong with doing something that is both enjoyable and expected. Normal relationships and typical sex are both popular for good reasons. You should focus on whatever you most want to do, and not care too much what anyone thinks."


"Ah. Well, there are a few kitsunes who would do such a thing... Oh, I'm not nearly as good with illusions as Weiss is... But doing a show or using them in an encounter does sound quite fun... I think one of these clubs? If it's awful, I can always just leave. Once Sinnah has taught everyone the basics in a few days, maybe she'll be free to work with us on the rift- Ah, but fun for now, not work."


"I've enjoyed dance clubs in the past; you strike me as the kind of person who would like them," Tatenika agrees. "I'm afraid I'm not personally familiar with any of the local ones, but my staff tell me that The Chilling Point* is pretty popular. If that one is too high-energy for you there are other options as well."

* Translator's note: This an attempt to translate a pun-based name. The original SCOL name is a pun on the economic term for "Schelling Point" and a slightly archaic word for oral sex. After extensive consultation with local linguists and philologers, we finally gave up and asked someone cool, who suggested this translation.


"It is thus decided, then."


"I want to head to a good board or video game club after the event starts. I guess I can just use the phone, if you have no particular advantage at recommending one."


"Well, a bunch of the staff are locals who might have recommendations," Tatenika points out. "You could ask around in the courtyard. And I can easily get a researcher on it, if needed. But yes, I personally do not have any particular knowledge that your phone couldn't also provide."

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