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— he isn't, as it turns out. 

Lev's hair is very soft. 


This is a very heterosexual hug. Lots of nonsexual intimacy here. 

"I really like you," Lev says, because I love you is maybe kind of homosexual.


"I like you too." His voice is very very soft. 


Lev is going to pull away at some point.


He is going to do that.


After a minute and a half or so, Marlo pulls away and says "We should probably go to breakfast." 


"Yeah. --We're going to meet the girls soon."


"Should be interesting." He's not sure what that's going to involve and he's not sure whether he wants to know just yet. 


"Maybe I will get a girlfriend! An unambiguous girlfriend."

He sounds so hopeful.


"I hope you do." 

(This is, in fact, true; he does hope Lev gets the things he wants. He's just not at all sure it would actually be good for him.)


Then they can go off to breakfast!

Lev keeps smiling at Marlo.


Marlo is kind of distracted, but not in a way that prevents him from smiling at Lev. 


"Can I speak with you for a moment, Marlo?"


"Yes, of course," he says, and follows her, goes over how he wants to word the message from Ron. 


When they're alone, she says, 

"Did my brother say anything to you?"


"He said that he loves you and misses you and of course he wants to hear from you, and that — this isn't the exact wording, but that he can't imagine God loves you any less than he does, and if he wanted you to do something that would make you miserable for your entire life he'd be a terrible brother." 


"I don't actually want to stop being a heterosexual woman."


"I'm not making a statement one way or the other on that, just. That's what Ron said." 


"All right."


He waits to see if there's anything else she wants to say to him, and then goes and finds Raine. 


She's reading; it's not hard to pull her away to somewhere more private. 

"You weren't here last night," she says, like it's a question. 


"I wasn't. — I got a chance to talk to Asher, he has the bracelet." 



"And he says to tell you that he loves you, and he misses you, and he's glad you have someone here. And that he's okay and he gets to dance and Ron's cooking is good and none of the girls are as pretty as you, but — I'm trying to remember the words he used — it feels like someone tore out a piece of his heart and trapped it in ex-gay camp and beat it up and made it want to take showers in the middle of the night. 

He worries about you." 

Unspoken: So do I. 


...Raine is smiling, and also looks like she's about to cry. 

"The thing with the showers is just so I can shave without being interrupted, it's not a big deal or anything — thank you." 


He nods, and then — she looks happier than she did before, but even so — "He also said I should hug you." 

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