Well-made people appear oriented to time, place, location, and creator. They are not surprised, confused, lost, or dismayed; you don't want them upset to exist but you sometimes get weird emotional effects if you aim for "delighted". Unless you're creating someone who for whatever reason will want to be naked around at least you in particular, you don't want them to be too upset about being naked in general; you cannot make a person precisely located enough to appear them in a set of clothes already.
You can make them with memories in addition to knowledge and skills, but this isn't usually the best way to do whatever you're trying to do; they can have as-though-secondhand factual knowledge about things that have happened in the past without false recollections of having been present. You might want to do memories if you have been trying a controversial technique where you and anyone else who will be close to this person behave as though they exist for some wakes or even a whole centispan in advance, to notice what you expect from someone occupying their role in your life and have time to think of traits and quirks that might suit them; then they will remember one-sided conversations you attempted to have with them, for example.
Bodies and brains can go wrong in all kinds of horrifying ways. Things that are particularly easy to do by accident but easy to omit if you're savvy include making people whose hair won't grow, people who produce extra teeth they don't need for some reason, people prone to headaches, people with exercise-induced asthma, people with various unfortunate sexual dysfunctions or paraphilias, people who cannot see all of the colors, people who are too flexible, people who are producing a strange white fluid from their nipples, people who are bad at imagining pictures or sound, people who have no sense of smell, people who can't distinguish pitches they hear, people who sleepwalk, people who eat to excess and gain weight and keep it, people who forget or refuse to eat, people who if they eat some random thing will have a disease reaction, people who respond to nutrient deficiencies by eating weird non-food things, people who are "too happy" and wind up sleepless and risk-seeking and impulsive as a result (you can still aim at "happy", just not this particular brand), people who cannot distinguish human faces from one another, people who do not want to be the sex you made them, and various other little problems a well-made person won't have.
Atennesi probably doesn't need any of the child-specific advice. It's considered a very dangerous thing to do, because they have so much time in which to drift from their initial conditions, but it's one way people learn new things about how people can be in ways that wouldn't have been obvious to invent, and some people find raising children very rewarding.