"...what's going on," is the first thing out of his mouth, when he sees the looks on his parents' faces. Maybe he should already know, but — he doesn't.
Lev is not capable of articulating "I have a crush on Asher" even if that were something it was a good idea to do.
"I'm reading," he tries.
He's adorable and Sasha wants very much to tempt him to the dark side.
To all appearances, he goes back to focusing on his friendship bracelet.
And then it's dinner, and then it's Free Time.
Christine reminds everyone that you must be in groups of at least three.
Sasha's carrying a pair of cargo pants and a t-shirt and a small cloth bag; he'll take as many books as Lev hands him.
Lev is going to carry his entire teetering pile of SAT prep books by himself, thank you.
Or maybe he won't.
Regardless, once they find somewhere to be where they won't be seen or heard, he sits down and turns the pants inside-out and takes a pen from the bag and starts working out pocket placement.
"If you don't tell the camp counselors what we're talking about," Asher says to Lev, "one of us will kiss you."
"I am straight, I just didn't want to volunteer you without your permission."
He is staring very intently at Sasha's lips.
"I'm supposed to be... becoming less gay?"
This seems like a good place for the internal pocket to go; he takes a pair of tiny scissors from the bag and starts cutting into the shirt. "So what were you planning on talking about? I meant what I said about wanting pictures of what you looked like before, by the way."
"Oh, I was just assuming we were at some point going to say something non-camp-approved. Also--"
He does four barrel turns.
And, yeah, you aren't wrong. I didn't want to mention this where they'd hear but I can add secret internal pockets to things, if you have something small and forbidden you might want to carry around." He threads a needle and gets to sewing up the pocket itself; he'll attach it to the inside of his pants in a moment.
"I can't think of anything right now, unless you can make a pocket that fits the ability to dance."