"...what's going on," is the first thing out of his mouth, when he sees the looks on his parents' faces. Maybe he should already know, but — he doesn't.
She swallows again and is very vocally appreciative of Asher being less of a tease.
Indeed he doesn't.
Usually Raine tries to warn him before she finishes but — her hands twitch again — not this time —
"I want — this," he whispers, almost worshipful, "I want you," and he holds Lev closer.
Asher doesn't mind. He swallows her down and then pulls off and kisses her.
Mmmm. Asher's kissed Raine while she's all soft and warm and glowy before, but — it's different in a bed, different with the comforting pressure of rope around her wrists, different in clothes that don't feel like they belong to someone who doesn't exist and never did, different when she doesn't feel trapped.
He's heard — a lot of things, about what gay men do in bed. How it's disgusting, inherently, as an act.
And Lev is pleading for it.
"Yes," he says, quiet, "of course, I love you — I don't know how, though, I don't want to hurt you —"
"Raine is a bit out of it," Asher says to Marlo. "You're going to want"-- he looks in the nightstand-- "yep, there's condoms and lube. It's not going to hurt if you do it right."
He takes the lube from Asher, pours some of it onto his hands, and starts to fuck himself with his fingers.
It's terrifying to be watched, and he just came so he doesn't have the lust/desperation to stop him from thinking. But Marlo loves him, Marlo wants him, he's doing this for Marlo, and he can't be scared while Marlo is there holding him and watching him.
He makes little whimpery noises and bites his lip.
"You make the most beautiful sounds." A kiss on Lev's lips, on his neck, on both his cheeks. "I wish you could see the face you're making, I love you, Lev," and more kisses.
Asher looks up from cuddling Raine. "You know, he could see the face he's making, photography is a thing."
One more kiss on Lev's neck and then he shifts so he can reach his back pocket and takes a photo of Lev's face and bare shoulders and then he kisses him again.
He just finished but he's half-hard again and he moans when Marlo takes the picture.
"I like that you look at me like I'm beautiful."