"...what's going on," is the first thing out of his mouth, when he sees the looks on his parents' faces. Maybe he should already know, but — he doesn't.
Raine waits a couple more minutes, gets a drink of water from the sink to kill time, and then follows him.
Asher is pretty sure that dating with someone with a dick is the sort of thing that gets you kicked out of ex-gay camp and Christine is not going to pay any attention to "but Raine's a girl actually."
So he should probably control the amount his face lights up when he sees Raine.
He lets Raine see a flash of it though.
Raine has the best boyfriend.
...although there are a couple of questions that need to be asked next time they have a moment. It can wait.
Asher also has questions that need to be asked! Like "after ex-gay camp do you want to run off with me to New York City and live in a closet together?"
"I feel like three months is not really enough time to know if I should move in with someone!"
Best boyfriend best boyfriend best boyfriend.
Raine keeps the heart eyes toned down where anyone else can see them, but it isn't like Asher can't tell.
Best girlfriend!
Asher keeps his heart eyes toned down too but he sure does sneak off into the woods for Secret Pas de Deux Practice.
Raine sneaks off to the woods behind Asher.
SHe's not very good at dancing but Raine is very very cuddly and Asher's lap is a good size.
She might not be very good at dancing but is she good at being tossed in the air and caught? Or press lifts?
He's tempted to lie but-- "I've been teaching a couple of the other boys math."
Christine's smile looks really weird.
"That's an unusual thing to do at camp, much less to have as a favorite. What do you like about it?"
"I really like teaching. Sorry, I know it's not what we're supposed to be doing at camp, I can stop--"
"There's nothing wrong with enjoying teaching, Lev. I like teaching myself. That's why I have the job I do. Being able to teach is a gift, and one you should be proud of."
Her weird smile hasn't changed.
"That's all right." The weird smile has gone away. "Have you made progress on admitting you're homosexual?"