"...what's going on," is the first thing out of his mouth, when he sees the looks on his parents' faces. Maybe he should already know, but — he doesn't.
"Wanting me. I know I shouldn't, and I'm going to keep trying to recover, but-- it's nice. To be wanted."
"...it feels strange to say you're welcome but I can't think of anything else. I don't know if I could not want you."
Sasha has a one-on-one meeting with Christine that afternoon; he isn't sure what to expect, but he's fairly sure he won't like it.
"...well, I get to kiss guys, if I was straight I couldn't do that and that would suck."
"Why does anyone like kissing? It's fun and affectionate and sometimes you get bitten or pinned to a wall."
"It sounds like it's a way for you to relate to other men in a way that's loving."
He shrugs. "It's not like that's the only way, Lev is teaching me math and Asher and I talk about dance and craft projects, but it's a way and I like it."
"What I'm hearing is that you can get the need met in other ways, but you like getting it met in this way."
"I get that need met in a bunch of ways, and this is one of them."
Sasha's skeptical that kissing is about filling a deep need to be treated affectionately rather than being a thing he does because it's fun and he likes it, but that's not particularly an argument he wants to have so he doesn't have it.
"On the flipside, what are some of the less good things about homosexuality?"
"If you're straight and you get walked in on it's embarrassing but if you're gay and you get walked in on sometimes they send you to ex-gay camp."
"It sounds like one of the negative consequences is disapproval from your family and not getting to do what you want to do with your summer, is that right?"
"The point was more 'it is a thing society disapproves of and sometimes this is not awesome' more generally but that's true too."