"...what's going on," is the first thing out of his mouth, when he sees the looks on his parents' faces. Maybe he should already know, but — he doesn't.
Oh, Asher had a purpose here, didn't he?
He undoes Sasha's pants and starts to touch him.
Asher too is making soft little noises into Sasha's mouth.
"You're beautiful."
Maybe it's because it's been a while or because Sasha is so eager or something something friction, but he's really really horny right now.
It isn't that he can't tell, but next to the hand on him and the sounds Asher is making and the rush of being touched and kissed and wanted, it's — not unimportant, but distant.
Asher kisses his cheek and his jaw and his ear and keeps jerking him off.
It doesn't take long at all for him to finish over Asher's hand, gasping and clinging.
Asher keeps kissing him.
(Part of him hopes that if Asher keeps kissing him then he will get another blowjob without that awkward conversation about how jerking Sasha off turned him on.)
Sasha keeps kissing him back; he's softer about it now, more warm than hot, more affectionate than desperate.
The afterglow starts to fade and Sasha pulls away, looks at Asher's face.
"...you really liked that, huh."
They should wipe their hands off and go back to bed but maybe more kisses first.
Yeah. More kisses first sounds good.
Sasha leaves first, so they don't come back together.
Asher spends some of the time he is in the bathroom wondering if he's gay, but concludes he is not because he was in love with Robin. Straight guys have sex with other guys in prison, and ex-gay camp is sort of like prison, in that he is here against his will and surrounded by men. So it makes sense.
He is... not sure whether to point out to Asher that he may be less straight than was previously assumed.
You can always say the thing later, but once it's said you can't take it back. How about he does not do that.
There's more adoring gazing than usual tomorrow morning!
No one really notices, Asher kind of adoringly gazes at Sasha a lot.
Well, except for Lev, who is making a facial expression like he has a stomachache.