"...what's going on," is the first thing out of his mouth, when he sees the looks on his parents' faces. Maybe he should already know, but — he doesn't.
"Should we have the conversation about my porn watching away from Marlo?"
"If it becomes a whole conversation I'll leave you three here but I don't mind just the one question."
Lev does not want to hear ex-boyfriend stories but has also finished his workbook pages and is rewarding himself with Brandon Sanderson.
"The one I was thinking of wasn't that interesting but I'll tell you at some point when there aren't two people who I'm pretty sure don't want to hear it." He shifts against Asher in a manner that it would not be entirely wrong to describe as a snuggle.
Asher holds him in a way that it would also not be entirely wrong to describe as a snuggle.
"I guess I'm just going to die of curiosity until then. --Speaking of curiosity, wasn't Lev going to teach you math?"
"He was! If he still wants to."
Sasha is done with the rosemary and most of the way through a sage leaf by now.
"I like math and dancing and you can do math when you're forty more easily than you can dance when you're forty."
Lev is a really good math teacher. He cares about the subject a lot and talks about it in a way that makes you care about it too; he has a gift for explanations that makes things click; he believes completely in your ability to understand the subject.
Perhaps relatedly, it's the first time other than when he was kissing Sasha that any of them have seen him not look pervasively miserable.
Asher doesn't really need the explanations but that sure is some adoring gazing he's doing at Lev.
He isn't taking notes — doesn't have anywhere to take them — but he sets his needle down and gives Lev his full attention.
And eventually it will be time to go back to to the camp.
Asher lingers for a bit; they can still see Marlo but they can't hear him.