"...what's going on," is the first thing out of his mouth, when he sees the looks on his parents' faces. Maybe he should already know, but — he doesn't.
"I want to understand people. People are so interesting and complicated and every one of them is unique and-- if I could do anything I'd spend my life trying to learn how people work."
"...I bet I can get my fake sister to send me a flash drive of psychology books. If you would want to read them."
"I'll write her when we get back to camp," she says, and leans over to kiss Lev on the cheek.
"I can't guarantee she'll be able to find free ebooks of them but I can ask her to try."
This is terrible incentives. Now he's going to be obnoxious all the time.
Lev returns with a list of books, mostly about religion, some about gay history or safer sex.
"...these might wind up getting censored but I'll ask her to hide the flash drive."
"Flash drives are tiny and there are a bajillion different ways to hide them, I'll ask her for a backup flashlight or something and then write in lemon juice on the back."
Lev agrees that he needs cuddling.
"If I decided to stay," he says to Marlo, "what would you do?"
"If you stayed with Ron, I think the best plan would be to go back to camp and get my parents' help paying for trade school and an apartment with you. If you stayed at camp I'd stay with you, but — I don't think we're going to be able to hide this."
"If I decided to stay at camp it would have to be... because I decided to get better."