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in which kelsey's brain continues to want to throw a sad spike at things and bard is very accommodating
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Thank you.


- that means he's somewhere I can get, you see. That means it wasn't Mandos.


I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. 


Talk to Karen so I can explain it under oath. I don't want to repeat myself.


She's faithfully yours - which was Carter's intent, I take it -


But conveniently she's a terrible liar, so you can just ask how she knows. - I don't think I picked her. I believe I picked you. Her - that was Alex. 


I question his judgment. 


Not with respect to her. Just. Generally. 


Yes, that's fair. - he didn't even think about Drusilla's abilities. He just instinctively helps people if the alternative is considering himself qualified to judge whether they live or die.


- I wasn't even thinking about that, what are you even reading -


That's not going off your thoughts, it's just - knowing ways that people guess wrongly about Alex.


But you're going to use Drusilla now that you have her.


Honestly I'm inclined to kill them both today. If I don't, I anticipate that everything will go fine for a while and then one of them will do something stupid, reckless or evil and someone will get killed and then they'll flee for the arms of the Enemy and he'll learn everything they know. But I wanted to ask Wishbone, first, whether there are any spells that require vampires, and I wanted to talk to you before I talked to Wishbone so I could understand the 21st century better.


Well, have you scraped out of my head an improved understanding of the 21st century? 


Yes. I'd apologize, but - 


Yeah. If you visit Spike and Drusilla please don't convey the portions of this conversation that touched on them.


Oh. I was assuming I was under house arrest.


Until you get the mental exercises under control you're a walking pair of eyes for the Enemy, so there're some restrictions, but you can wander around the boring parts of this place as much as you want.


Can't help but feel like this is much friendlier than I'd find it if you didn't want me to impregnate a kid so you can do a demonic ritual to the baby so you can win your war.


Well, otherwise we'd want to know what you know about nuclear weapons.




He leaves. He goes back to his room. 


He inquires of Wishbone whether there are rituals which require vampires, as participants or ingredients.


Sure, some. No particularly useful ones off the top of my head. 


Are you pretty confident in that?

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