At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"Quote, 'I wanna go to a real mall and buy a coffee with money!'"


"...I will keep that in mind, thank you."


"That's if you try a few and let them talk," he advises. "How come you aren't in Valinor with the rest of you?"


"I didn't think it would suit me."


"Why not?"


"How long are you here?"


"I'm not in a hurry. the standards of a twentysomething, you may have come to find that days are eyeblinks."


She smiles. "Little bit. All right. A while ago even as we count it the Valar, who made Valinor and keep it peaceful, extended to the Elves an invitation to join them there. Ordinarily it wouldn't have appealed to anyone - they were eccentric and alien and their world even moreso, no place to see the stars. But one of their number had spent the previous few centuries stalking and kidnapping our people, and breeding and releasing horrible monsters that made it unsafe for us to travel or live or have children, and so some peoples were tempted by the Valar's offer. They'd captured him by then, but declined to do anything about the monsters. My people were not charmed. We remained behind. And that worked out all right until they released him again, and he returned to the world in full force to carry on his campaign of destruction, and by the time they followed to stop him many of our people were dead at his hands and many more dead at the hands of the Elves from Valinor, who had learned weaponry but not wisdom there."




"You still go there if you die. Some people, resurrected, pleaded with them to be permitted to leave, and after a long time they permitted a one-time emigration on the condition we as intended by fate withdraw from the world, have no children, do no, ah, steering..."


"Will they let you go home again if you get hit by a cement truck?"


"I don't expect so, no. We have better-than-human reflexes."


"I guess it's worked this long. Did you die or did you - not die?"


"I have not, personally, died. Just stayed."


"- sorry if that was a personal question. If they wouldn't let the people they let leave do so again what's the enforcement mechanism for not steering? Will they show up to complain if you run for President?"


"I don't' think they're paying any attention, but Eru might be, and things might go badly accordingly."


"If more humans find out what the demons already know - might take a while, depending, but if nothing else it'll get through Fairyland and Heaven sooner or later - you will get attention; will that get you in trouble?"


"We will probably just close up shop here and wait until people forget about it."


"I'm not sure that will work."


"I mean, it might work fine, I don't know, but I'd expect people to be pretty excited about hidey magical Elves and if they summon demons they can find you even if you don't have an accessible street address."


"Aren't there laws about that?"


"Yes, but if people were very excited they might break the law."


"I mean, 'magical Elves living in forest are occasionally harassed by trespassing humans, ask local authorities to please escort the trespassing humans home' doesn't seem especially the kind of problem that'd bring gods down on us."


"Yeah, you might be fine."

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