At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"I suppose the telepathy would let you ask the exhibits what they would like in the way of help."


"Yeah but if they say 'get us the fuck home right now' I am going to be kinda reluctant to wait five years for a Super Court case."


"Supreme Court."


"That either."


"I sympathize." Sigh.


And they book a flight.


The powers that be have not shut the zoo down yet. It is attended but not thronged, and people are mostly not petting the daeva except for one angel who is supposedly really soft.


Hello, he says to all of the daeva including Cam once he's seen them all, and no one else. I am a telepathic alien. I have been pretending to be human but don't want to be associated with them any more. I am here to ask what you would like me to do about this horrible fucking place. 


I want to coordinate a thing, says one of the demons, all of us take our wings off and look really boring, can you relay that -


Yeah for sure - and he bounces that to everyone -


Soft angel turns her wings to air immediately. The others follow suit; the fairies wince more but still do it.


If it helps I can summon you later with a demon on hand and put 'em back for you. If that's faster than - whatever you normally do - and to Cam - can the fairies even get them back -


They can heal them back if they want, or there's a plant that'll roll the dice on new ones back in Fairyland.


Oh good. Anybody need anything else -


Gigantic thermos of green tea please, says a fairy.

"You wanna go deliver it? The strike thing they're doing might work by itself, I don't think we should introduce rogue daeva elements yet."


Yeah. He delivers the fairy a gigantic thermos of green tea.


You're the alien? You just look like a runway model, says the fairy, downing the thermos.


It wouldn't be very much fun to pose as an ugly human, he says, taking the thermos back. I am thirty thousand years old and did not look like this for most of it. 


Thanks for the tea. Can't float in my sleep, can't lie down, can't float another fairy and get them to return the favor...


Fucking assholes. I can bring it by every day, at least for a while.


Thanks, runway alien.


Any time.

Anyone else want anything -


The fairies, mostly. All the daeva have been allowed some limited magic use (they're more interesting to watch that way) so the demons and the angels have been conjuring and precipitating out of the air anything that could make being confined to a circle more comfortable. (I'd ask for a chair says soft angel but I put one together and they took it away so I just softened the ground, it's not bad.)


He can get the fairies stuff. He can scowl on soft angel's behalf. 

Wow, daeva are way nicer than me, I'd definitely have said 'you can fucking kill my summoner', he says to Cam.


They haven't been here very long yet and might not actually expect strange aliens to be willing to commit murder for them.

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