At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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The angel goes over to the flag and starts "digging".


"Is there any chance she could accidentally change the Silmaril -"


"It doesn't look like a regular rock, right?"


"Not at all."


"Then it shouldn't be a problem."


Elves wait nervously.


By the time the angel has come up Cam has made a lot of trays of little potted succulents, assorted, colorful, and the complete discography of Freddie Mercury. She is holding a shiny.

"This is the shiniest fuckin' shiny!" she exclaims. "Is it too late to tell your demon I want one?"

"You just missed the window, sorry," says Cam.

"Drat. Well, here you go." She tosses it to him. He misses.


The Elves all breathe in sharply at the sight of it but for some reason make no move to go pick it up. "Thank you," he says, and sends her home.


"One down," says Cam. "Uh, is the idea to just leave it on the ground?"


"The Valar, ah, blessed the Silmarils to repel evil. They'll burn through our hands if we touch them. If you could do gloves or something -"




"Defined how? Should I be having second thoughts about contributing to this project?"


"Defined by the Valar, we don't have the exact parameters. I guess we could go hand them around to people and try to get a feel for it? The project is not secretly evil in any way unless one regards rebellion against the gods as inherently so."


"Not particularly, no, especially not if they're as unfit to be gods as they sound." Pause. Sigh. Gloves for all.


He picks it up, cradles it. 


They all start singing. 


Macalaure is really really fantastic at singing.


Holy shit. Cam sits down and listens.


After a while he raises his arms and starts singing the rock into a castle. Cam could do it instantly, a fairy could do it much faster, but it's still kind of cool to watch, and he looks utterly gleeful about it.


Very neat. Cam doesn't interrupt.


The song is pretty in addition to assembling castles. It takes most of the night; the Silmaril adjusts its radiance for the sunset and then for the darkness. Tyelcormo doesn't stop cradling it; neither of his brothers ask for it. 


The castle would look pretty cool even if it didn't have a magic lighting system seemingly designed to bring out all the best angles on it.


Cam drinks coffee and eventually makes a chair and watches the show. He claps when it's over.


"Thank you. That was testing how much we got back, if you were wondering. Artifacts'd be slower to test. We should take it to my father now. He's trying to find a workaround for being unable to touch them."


"Would touching them be more useful or just less inconvenient?"


"More useful for some of the detail work he wants to do with them. The - restoring what faded - they seem to be doing already at full force."


"So the days of hoverboarding are over?"

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