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At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation

For three months after Revelation he ignores his father's calls.


Yes. It should be possible to summon a demon and, depending how their powers work, either get a Silmaril from them or get the location of the patch of ground closest to the Silmaril from them or at worst do binary search over conjured models of parts of the planet to find the Silmarils. Yes, it should be possible to summon an angel to then dig the thing out of bedrock. And then they won't live life walking against the currents of fading, they will be whole again, they can summon some more for spaceship plans and head away from Earth much sooner, and much more powerful, than they imagined.


Also, the curious demon might go back to Hell and conjure some more Silmarils, if their powers happen to shake out that way, and might start handing out Silmarils to anyone on Earth who wants one, because why not, and the oath might still be in force, the risk is unimaginable - 


- they can of course get a Silmaril and then, if it turns out they can be conjured, not let the demon go home, that is merely incredibly rude and might strand someone a dimension away from their family for centuries. It at least does not risk unleashing the oath on this innocent world that has, at last, left the scars of the last time that happened beyond the reach of living memory.


For three months after Revelation he ignores his father's calls because he is childishly frightened, because his well-polished coping skills are fraying, because if he feels the tug of that oath on him again it will be too late to kill himself and therefore he wants, very badly, to do it now. For three months he wavers.


And then he answers the calls, and takes some vacation, and goes home for a Fëanorian planning session. He doesn't remember what loving them felt like but he remembers that he loved them, that it was once very important to him, and he knows he would do this for someone he loved. They plan and they read and they learn and they practice - without summoning, because daeva get the languages you speak when you summon them and so the first daeva they summon will know, if observant enough, they're not of this society - 

- he gets two weeks vacation a year, they plan very very slowly - 


- and six years after Revelation they have a binding and a few possible options for payment and a plan for the case where Silmarils turn out to be trivially conjurable and conjurable ones oath-relevant. Maedhros is terrified, and miserable, but no one can tell. He prides himself on that. 


Curufin doesn't want to do it because he speaks Khuzdul and the Dwarves who taught him it in confidence did not give him permission to share it. (They did give him permission, when it came up one optimistic night, to share it with his father should his father ever return to life, and so Fëanor speaks Khuzdul too.) Maglor's pretending to be a currently-dead pop star and that invites its own host of complications. 

Maedhros does not speak Khuzdul. He speaks the Black Speech in addition to a few human languages and Thindarin and Quenya, but the language won't scare daeva in itself (if they get his exact vocabulary, they might be frightened.) Maedhros picks a place in the castle in Canada that could be a room in an unusually wealthy human's house, unremarkable, and he painstakingly copies all but one bit of the circle they decided on together, and he calls in everyone to look and make sure he did it right, and he dismisses them all - one Elf alone is not obviously inhuman, two or more together raises suspicions -

- and he completes the circle.


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"Don't think so. Haven't tested."


"Why not?"


"It is as a general rule a bad idea to toy around with oaths."


"I guess I could see that turning out to be a reasonable heuristic."


"We weren't paranoid enough, growing up, because Valinor was very peaceful. No scarcity, Elves are very - well-behaved..."


"Well-behaved like...?"


"The first person ever murdered in Valinor was the King when Melkor was paroled and then murdered him. Elves had at that point been living in Valinor more than three thousand years."




"So then we decided to leave Valinor and pursue Melkor to - the rest of the world - warn people, help with evacuation, fight him if we could, we didn't know at the time how overmatched we were. There's no way out of Valinor. There were Elves who had boats. They said we should give ourselves a century to think about it, we could get killed, it was silly to leave. We tried to steal the boats. No one had ever tried that before, we didn't know - they opened fire on the boats, more people got drawn in - 

- before that day no Elf had ever committed a murder and by the end of the day ten thousand people were dead."


"Jesus Christ.

...A century?"


"Elves are really slow. Not my family, but as a species -

 - when we got there there were civilian cities penned in and we freed them, there were cities running out of supplies and we supplied them, we took back the continent, the fighting lasted twelve days and we held the line for the next four hundred years."


"Dang. Did you go in with some overwhelming advantage...?"


"We had a serious technological edge but in hindsight - 

- by serious technological edge I mean 'really good longbows and enchanted swords and armor', there's no way the Enemy couldn't have equipped orcs to overmatch us if he'd wanted -"


"Why didn't he want?"


"Damned if I know." Bitter laugh. "That's not a very good expression, I am in fact damned. After the fight over the boats the Valar got really angry and cursed us and all our descendants."


"I am pretty sure Hell doesn't contain any Elf war veterans. What is the upshot of you being damned."


"Uh -" he switches to Quenya - "Tears unnumbered ye shall shed; and the Valar will fence Valinor against you, and shut you out, so that not even the echo of your lamentation shall pass over the mountains. On the House of Fëanor the wrath of the Valar lieth from the West unto the uttermost East, and upon all that will follow them it shall be laid also. Their Oath shall drive them, and yet betray them, and ever snatch away the very treasures that they have sworn to pursue. To evil end shall all things turn that they begin well; and by treason of kin unto kin, and the fear of treason, shall this come to pass. The Dispossessed shall they be for ever."


"So hypothetically if somebody sailed that wonky route to Valinor and climbed a mountain and yelled 'fuck you all' in a way causally entangled with your lamentations, that would disprove the prophecy?"


He laughs. "Might. It's also one of the reasons I want the Silmarils back so badly, because the prophecy says we won't get them."


"Snatching away the very treasures? Why did you swear about that, incidentally, your explanation about swearing to oppose the Enemy made some sense but..."


"We swore to fight the Enemy and anyone else who might try to deprive us of them. Because we really wanted to found a society outside the reach of the gods and we knew they were tempting to everyone and we thought if people knew we'd go to war over them then they wouldn't try it in the first place."



"Did that work?"




"Predictable in hindsight."

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